Narrator Listen to part of a conversation between two students. Now

游客2024-01-03  7

问题     Narrator
    Listen to part of a conversation between two students.
    Now get ready to answer the questions, You may use your notes to help you answer [br] What would Jim’s girlfriend prefer him to do?
Maggie  Hey, Jim, what a coincidence to see you here! Long time no see!
Jim  Yeah, me too. Hey, just as old friends, I gotta tell don’t look that well. Are you sick or something?
Maggie  Well, not really. Seems really serious?
Jim  Um, not that bad. But...what’s wrong?
Maggie  Guess what? It’s the same old story of an overworked undergraduate student. I am up to my neck on one project.
Jim  How did you end up like this? Is the timeframe limited or it’s near the deadline?
Maggie  Actually I am working on a project that has to be done by the end of this month.
Jim  Oh, that’s it. Can’t you speak to your professor about that?
Maggie  About what? The project or something else?
Jim  Of course the project. Maybe he would allow an extension and you will then have some breathing space.
Maggie  Fat chance. You’ve never met him, right?
Jim  Exactly. What is he like?
Maggie  You know, my professor is one of those workaholic types and he expects everyone that works with him has to be the same way. You know, sometimes he sleeps four hours a night but can still keep going during the day.
Jim  Wow, sounds like your professor is really nuts. I don’t mind working hard, but not to the point of killing myself. Hope you can get your project done without any hitches.
Maggie  What about you? I heard the faculty building is being constructed on campus. A big project it seems by the looks of things, and it’s nearly completed, I think.
Jim  Well, not quite there yet. They still have not decided whether they should move there or not.
Maggie  What’s the Department Dean’s opinion?
Jim  He wants me to mark papers and do some administration work for them. I have to make a decision by the end of this week.
Maggie  That is a tough decision, isn’t it? I would jump on the offer if I had one. To work with some of these academic types must be interesting.
Jim  Sure it is. I would not think twice if I didn’t have such a heavy load this semester. Besides, my girlfriend isn’t keen on me always spending time at school.
Maggie  I can understand how she feels. Maybe you can ask for a light load. Perhaps you should request to work only on certain days.
Jim  That’s true. Then I wouldn’t have to work under a workaholic professor any more.
Maggie  Hey, Jim. Do you think I have any chance of getting some work there?
Jim  Hmm...are you serious about working there? I thought you were joking.

选项 A、See her more often.
B、Spend more time in school,
C、Earn more money.
D、Get better grades.

答案 A

解析 本题仍为细节题。题目问:Jim的女朋友希望他怎么做?选项A为能跟她常见面,B为花更多的时间在学校,C为挣更多的钱,D为取得更好的成绩。从这句话“my girlfriend isn’t keen on me always spending time at school”可知,他的女朋友觉得他花在学校的时间过多,暗示希望男友能有更多时间陪她。因此,得出正确答案为A。