In this integrated essay question, you will be asked to read a short passage fro
In this integrated essay question, you will be asked to read a short passage fro
In this integrated essay question, you will be asked to read a short passage from a textbook and then listen to part of a short lecture about the same topic. The ideas in the textbook and the lecture will not agree. After you read the question, you write an essay that includes information from both the reading and the lecture.
You will have 20 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, a good response will require that you write 150-225 words.
- Read a short passage and take notes
- Listen to a short lecture and take notes
- Answer a question using information from both the reading and the lecture
Reading Passage
Time: 3 minutes
In his classic book The Interpretation of Dreams, published in 1900, Sigmund Freud identified wish fulfillment as the origin of many dreams. For example, a student who is concerned about taking an important exam may dream about the exam, or, more likely, some type of symbol for the exam will appear in a dream. Since thoughts must be translated into concrete images, dreams are expressed in pictures rather than in words. Freud advanced the notion of dream symbols, that is, images with deep symbolic meaning. In the case of the exam, it might be expressed as an obstacle or a hurdle in a race. In Freud’s view, dreams have much in common with daydreams. There is a wish that is forbidden or repressed in some way, and forces that oppose it. In the case of dreams while sleeping, they offer a compromise, that is, a way for the wish to be expressed safely.
According to Freud, dreams can be viewed as a way to reveal the unconscious. To that end, there are two levels to every dream, including the manifest content, which is obvious and direct, and the latent content, which is symbolic. To return to the example of the student’s dream, the manifest content would be the hurdle in the race, but the latent content would be the exam that is in the dreamer’s subconscious. Because some wishes and desires are too disturbing or too socially inappropriate to surface from the unconscious to the conscious mind, the symbols that are employed may make the wish difficult to expose. The student may actually want to cheat in order to succeed on the exam, but in a dream, borrowing a friend’s book may be a more acceptable way to express that desire. In a sense, the dream serves to protect the mind from a conflict in the unconscious.
Now listen to a lecture on the same topic as the passage you have just read.
As you will recall from the reading in your textbook, Freud’s psychodynamic theory is premised on the assumption that dreams arise from a troubled subconscious mind, and so they have deep meaning. But there are other points of view that you should be familiar with. Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley propose a very different theory of dreams. They turn to biochemical research and physiology for answers. Using data from their study of sleep activity in cats, and by the way, they used cats because cats have brain waves and muscle movements during sleep that are very similar to those of humans. In any case, Hobson and McCarley determined that the kind of sleep associated with dreams is controlled from the brain stem and, furthermore, that there are chemicals in the stem that regulate the firing of certain neurons. So they posit that during dream sleep, brain cells that control movement and balance are activated, but the messages do not transfer to the body and, consequently, no movement is initiated. Still, the brain is trying to interpret the messages, so dreams occur.
But how does this explain what we dream about? I mean the content. Well, let’s take the example of a common dream. Let’s say, you are trying to escape from something. The brain receives a message to run, but the legs don’t respond. According to the activation-synthesis theory, the dream that results will probably include something about being chased and running away. In other words, you will play out the physical movement in a dream. But, according to the proponents of the activation-synthesis theory, there isn’t any hidden meaning in your dream. Your unfulfilled desires have nothing to do with it. For the neurophysiologists, a dream is just a chemical response to brain cells.
Essay Question
Summarize the main points in the lecture, contrasting them with the ideas in the reading passage.
As you will recall from the reading in your textbook, Freud’s psychodynamic theory is premised on the assumption that dreams arise from a troubled subconscious mind, and so they have deep meaning. But there are other points of view that you should be familiar with. Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley propose a very different theory of dreams. They turn to biochemical research and physiology for answers. Using data from their study of sleep activity in cats, and by the way, they used cats because cats have brain waves and muscle movements during sleep that are very similar to those of humans. In any case, Hobson and McCarley determined that the kind of sleep associated with dreams is controlled from the brain stem and, furthermore, that there are chemicals in the stem that regulate the firing of certain neurons. So they posit that during dream sleep, brain cells that control movement and balance are activated, but the messages do not transfer to the body and, consequently, no movement is initiated. Still, the brain is trying to interpret the messages, so dreams occur.
But how does this explain what we dream about? I mean the content. Well, let’s take the example of a common dream. Let’s say, you are trying to escape from something. The brain receives a message to run, but the legs don’t respond. According to the activation-synthesis theory, the dream that results will probably include something about being chased and running away. In other words, you will play out the physical movement in a dream. But, according to the proponents of the activation-synthesis theory, there isn’t any hidden meaning in your dream. Your unfulfilled desires have nothing to do with it. For the neurophysiologists, a dream is just a chemical response to brain cells.
In research with cats, Hobsin and MacKarly concluded that dreams are the result of chemicals in the brain that cause neurons to fire. Although the brain is signaling the body to move, the message does not reach the muscles. Instead, it is interpreted in a dream. The example the lecturer cited was a dream in which a person wants to escape. The brain signals the legs to run, but instead, the dreamer sees images of himself being chased. According to the theory, dreams are simply a chemical response to neurological activity.
This new model, called activation synthesis theory, contrasts sharply with the earlier theory that Freud put forward in his classic book The Interpretation of Dreams, in which he explained dreaming as symbolic images that reveal repressed desires and unfulfilled wishes. Furthermore, Freud interpreted dreams on two levels. The first, manifest content, was the literal or direct interpretation, whereas the second, latent content, exposed the symbolic nature of the image. For example, a student who is worried about an exam may dream about an obstacle in a race, creating the manifest content of the obstacle on a race track because of the underlying latent content associated with the exam.
For Hobsin and MacKarly, no unfulfilled wishes are relevant in the student’s dream. The chemistry of the brain and not the psyche causes the vision of the race track and all other images in dreams.
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