You will now be asked to give your opinion about a familiar topic. After you hea

游客2024-01-02  22

问题 You will now be asked to give your opinion about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Parents should be a part in their kids’ decision-making process?


答案 I believe children should always have the final decision in all matters concerning our lives.
If we always did exactly what our parents wanted us to do, then we would not be true to ourselves nor become mature adults. Young people should do what they feel is best and take responsibility for their life, or else risk never finding happiness.
Secondly, if I allowed my mom and dad to dictate what I had to do in life, I will never become independent. I feel that being independent is what makes us successful and happy adults.
While our families may have some excellent ideas and useful advice in life, ultimately, we must make our own decisions as well as make our own mistakes.
We will learn from mistakes to make decisions in the future.

解析     1.审题,从题干中找出关键词及相关信息,即“parents”“decision-making process”。我们可以知道,题目讨论的是家长是否应该参与孩子做决定的过程。
    2.第一时间内找出你可以想到的,最简单的一种情况,以及最简单的理由。Task 2的特点是,适当说另一种观点不好,反过来支持了你的选择。