You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about
You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about
You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Question: The speakers discuss two possible solutions to the man’s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then explain what you think the man should do and why.
W: Hey, you look anxious. What is bothering you?
M: I just can’t afford to live in the dorm anymore. I have to move off campus. But I really can’t afford a nice apartment on my own either.
W: Oh, I see. What will you do?
M: I can find a roommate and share the rent. That’s what everyone else does. But then I don’t have any privacy. I mean I like heavy metal music and I won’t be able to listen to it whenever I like. Also, my mom lives in another city. And I need to call her sometimes in the evening. So my roommate won’t be able to sleep when I make phone calls.
W: Making phones calls can’t be too disturbing unless you talk to people on the phone all day. What else is on your mind?
M: Er... I know a restaurant near my apartment and I can work there to make some money. You know, once I add in all the tips, I could probably afford to get my own place and enjoy my own privacy.
W: That would be a solution.
M: But I’m really busy with school. The only free evenings I have are Friday and Saturday. Those are my nights to go hang out with friends. You can’t expect me to give up my social life.
W: You’d think you’d care enough about your life to make some effort!
The student faces a problem that he can no longer afford to live in the dorm. So he must live off campus.
He has two solutions to the problem. The first is to get a place with a roommate and share the rent. The other solution is to take a part-time job in order to afford his own apartment.
Personally speaking, I would suggest the man rent an apartment with a roommate. As for not having privacy to listen to music or make phone calls anytime he wants, the man needs to grow up and learn to live with other people, which provides him with a necessary interpersonal skill to get along with others. As such, having a roommate represents an opportunity to become a sociable young adult. Besides, such an arrangement allows the man as much study time as before. Both these are his main reasons not to work part time.
I would suggest the man work in the restaurant and make money to pay the rent so that he can live alone and enjoy his privacy. Plus, working in the restaurant not only helps him build up his pocket, but also allows him to get in touch with different people and thus gain some social experience and improve his social skills. Although he won’t have time to hang out with his friends and have social activities, becoming a financial responsible and sociable young adult is even more important.
Task 5的重点是学生遇到的困难跟解决的途径。这道题是如何解决男生想要租单人房,但又付不起房租的问题。重点在于如何fix the problem,原因不是重点。开头段可简单介绍原因,“The student faces a problem that he can no longer afford to live in the dorm.So he must live off campus.”同时,“He has two solutions to the problem.”
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