You will now listen to part of a lecture. You will then be asked a question abou

游客2024-01-02  2

问题 You will now listen to part of a lecture. You will then be asked a question about it. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Question: Using points and examples from the talk, explain the two benefits of forest fire to animals.
In the public imagination, forest fires are seen as simply destructive. In fact, these blazes can benefit a forest and its animal inhabitants, provided they do not happen too often or spread widely. Two examples are worth considering here.
In the first instance, fires can make food gathering easier for some species of animals. Wild turkeys are often seen lurking around the fringes of burning groves or thickets waiting for insects to flee the flames. Normally, hunting insects is time-consuming work for the birds. But since fire frightens the insects, turkeys find it easy to catch large numbers of the distracted prey.
In the second example, fire actually makes breeding and hatching the young easier for some selected few species. Take the mountain pine beetle, found from British Columbia, across the Rocky Mountain West and down into northern Mexico. Normally its numbers are severely limited by the fact that the bark of many conifers such as the Ponderosa Pine is toxic to the beetles. As fate or evolution would have it, the beetles need to lay their eggs under the bark. When there is a forest fire, however, the bark is burned off a large number of standing trees. Thus the beetles can bore into the wood and lay their eggs without danger. And, after the eggs hatch, the larvae are not exposed to toxin from the bark. Thus, for such species, forest fires are a blessing.


答案 The lecture presents two examples of animals that benefit from forest fires.
The first example shows how some animals use the fires to help them find food. Wild turkeys, for instance, typically range close to blazes in order to catch insects fleeing from the flames. In this way the birds can gather a large amount of food in little time and with little effort.
The second example shows how some life forms take advantage of fires to improve their having and raising young. Mountain pine beetles are hampered by the fact that they need to lay eggs under pine bark, but many pine bark gives off toxins harmful to the beetles. Forest fires, however, burn off toxin along with the bark. The beetles are thus able to lay their eggs on the bare tree trunks, and without danger from poison, the young beetles or the larvae are able to consume the nutrient on the tree.

解析     讲座描述了两种从森林大火中获益的动物的例子,“The lecture presents two examples of animals that benefit from forest fires.”