You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the ques

游客2024-01-02  4

问题 You will now be asked a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.
Do you like talking with your elders (uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc.)? Why or why not?


答案 Talking with one’s elders can be interesting, but I really do not like it very much.
On the one hand, I admit, they have a number of interesting stories about the past.
Plus, they have a lot of experience we younger people do not have. But this is offset by two facts.
First, people do not learn from others’ experience. You may tell a small child the stove is hot. But he won’t believe you till he burns himself. In the same way, my elders’ warnings about what to avoid or do will not be heeded by me.
Second, older people repeat themselves a lot. They tend to have a dozen of so favorite stories they repeat again and again. This quickly becomes boring.
So, I am sorry and maybe it’s not respectful of me, but I don’t like talking to my elders that much.

解析     1.审题,从题干中找出关键词及相关信息,即“talking with elders”,所以考生要思考和长辈交谈的问题。在具体指令中,有“like”跟“Why”两个词,那就是表明态度并说明原因。