
游客2024-01-02  27

问题    ……当前,信息技术、生命科学、智能制造、绿色能源等前沿领域不断突破,新材料、新产品、新业态迭代周期不断缩短。大数据、3D打印、人工智能,这些曾经的科学幻想,如今已经融入人们的衣食住行用,未来已经来到我们身边。


答案    ... Breakthroughs are being made one after another in frontier areas such as information technology, life sciences, smart manufacturing and green energy, and new materials, new products and new business forms are replacing existing ones at a faster pace. Big data, 3D printing and artificial intelligence, which we read about only in science fiction in the past, are now part of our daily life. The future is already with us.
   The sweeping new scientific revolution and industrial transformation will have a profound impact on the mode of production, way of life and values of human society. The need to strike a balance between equity and efficiency, capital and labor, technology and employment has become a common challenge for the international community. If not handled properly, this issue will further widen the wealth gap between the North and the South. We should gain a keen understanding of the complex dimensions of this issue and make the right decision. This will enable us to steer the new scientific revolution and industrial transformation in the right direction.
   Scientific and technological innovations should meet people’s needs. Every country is entitled to benefit from such innovations made through both their own efforts and international cooperation. Scientific and technological innovations should not be locked up or become profit-making tools for just a few. The IPR regime is designed to protect and encourage innovation, not to create or widen the scientific and technological divide. We should develop policy institutions and systems that are responsive to the new scientific revolution and industrial transformation, and foster an enabling environment for international cooperation that will deliver the fruits of innovation to more countries and peoples.

解析 1.当前,信息技术、生命科学、智能制造、绿色能源等前沿领域不断突破,新材料、新产品、新业态迭代周期不断缩短。Breakthroughs are being made one after another in frontier areas such as information technology,life sciences,smart manufacturing and green energy,and new materials,new products and new business forms are replacing existing ones at a faster pace.
原文为两个并列短句,一方面,第一个并列短句英译文需要在语序上做出适当调整,以避免句子出现头重脚轻的问题;另一方面,原文是意合结构,翻译时根据英文形合结构的特点,在第二个译文句子前加了连词and,构成了英语中的并列句。句中“生命科学”“新业态”等属于较新词汇,其英文分别为life sciences,new business forms。作为译者的良好职业素养,译者平日应该积累反映新生事物的新语汇,以满足翻译要求。
2.大数据、3D打印、人工智能,这些曾经的科学幻想,如今已经融入人们的衣食住行用,未来已经来到我们身边。Big data,3D printing and artificial intelligence,which we read about only in science fiction in the past,are now part of our daily life.The future is already with us.
“大数据”“3D打印”“人工智能”等词汇是科技术语,应按术语规范翻译。汉语原文中有“这些曾经的科学幻想”短句,英语译文使用了后置的修饰限定成分“which we read about only in science fiction in the past”,符合英语的行文习惯。“衣食住行用”不宜直接翻译为对应的英语表述, “直译”反而会在英语读者中产生累赘或误解,因此在此处做了泛化处理,翻译为“our daily life”。
3.公平和效率、资本和劳动、技术和就业的关系成为国际社会的共同课题,处理不当将导致南北贫富差距进一步拉大。The need to strike a balance between equity and efficiency, capital and labor, technology and employment has become a common challenge for the international community.If not handled properly, this issue will further widen the wealth gap between the North and the South.
原文为一长句,且信息量较大,英译文将原句分为两句。翻译第一分句时为了关照英语的行文逻辑,增加了短语“the need to strike a balance…”作为主语,说明国际社会需要面对的“共同课题”。第二分句说明如果这一“课题”处理不当将引起一定的后果,英译文处理为条件复合句,并加入了主语“this issue”。
4.我们应该审时度势、科学决策,引领新科技革命和产业变革朝着正确方向发展。We should gain a keen understanding of the complex dimensions of this issue and make the fight decision.This will enable us to steer the new scientific revolution and industrial transformation in the right direction.
汉语原文中有“审时度势”“科学决策”两个四字格词语,表示决策者在决策时应该态度严谨,要有前瞻性。两个词语先后并置,语义关联,在翻译成英语时没有逐字硬译,而是释译为“gain a keen understanding of the complex dimensions of this issue and make the right decision”,对原文做了灵活处理。英译文第二句增加了“this will enable us to…”,使英语译文前后两句衔接紧密,语义连贯。这就提醒我们,译者须时刻想着自己的译文能否成功实现跨文化沟通,所有的翻译技巧都是为译者成功实现跨文化沟通服务的。这是译者的一项基本素养。
5.服务人民是科技创新的本质要求,各国都有权通过自身努力和国际合作从科技创新中受益。Scientific and technological innovations should meet people’s needs.Every country is entitled to benefit from such innovations made through both their own efforts and international cooperation.
原文中前半句和后半句为因果关系,为了强调前后不同语义,英语译文分成了两句翻译。原文前一个分句为判断句,译文中进行了句子调整,把判断句“服务人民是……本质要求”变为动宾结构“…meet people’s needs”。对原文中“都有权……”一语,译文选用了“be entitled to do sth.”这一短语。
6.设立知识产权制度的目的是保护和激励创新,而不是制造甚至扩大科技鸿沟。The IPR regime is designed to protect and encourage innovation,not to create or widen the scientific and technological divide.
知识产权有特定表达法,即Intellectual Property Rights,缩写为IPR。译者需要平日积累一些常见的英文缩略语,培养良好的译者素养。如IT系information technology的缩略语,意为信息技术;AI为artificial intelligence的缩略语,意为人工智能。此处“制度”不是指“在一定历史条件下形成的政治、经济、文化等方面的体系”,而是指“要求大家共同遵守的办事规程”(《现代汉语词典》第7版,2016年,第1689页)。英语“regime”意为“a method or system of organizing or managing sth.”(Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.9th ed.2016.p.1297),因此英译文用“regime”。
7.我们应该共同探讨建立面向新科技革命和产业变革的政策制度体系,营造国际合作环境,让科技创新成果为更多国家和人民所及、所享、所用。We should develop policy institutions and systems that are responsive to the new scientific revolution and industrial transformation,and foster an enabling environment for international cooperation that will deliver the fruits of innovation to more countries and peoples.
该句比较长,翻译时处理成了一个复合句,把前两个汉语短句用并列连词and连接,把第三个汉语短句处理为定语从句。为了译文简洁紧凑,在不影响原文含义的前提下,译者可以不按原文逐字翻译。该句中译者对“为……所及、所享、所用”的翻译做了泛化处理,译为“deliver…to…”,使译文简洁。英语译文还使用了修饰限定手段——定语从句“that will deliver the fruits of innovation to more countries and peoples”来显化后两句的语义关联。