The origin of the word remains obscure, but it is certainly not from Greek.A、not

游客2023-12-31  10

问题 The origin of the word remains obscure, but it is certainly not from Greek.

选项 A、not well-known
B、not very important
C、not known
D、difficult to understand

答案 C

解析 词义辨析obscure暗的,朦胧的,模糊的,晦涩的;A.not well—known不是有名的,不清楚明白的;B.not very important不很重要;C.not known不知道的;D.difficult to understand很难懂,很难了解;本句意为:这个词的起源仍然不太清楚,但肯定不是来自希腊。因此C为答案。