Whenever we hear of a natural disaster, we feel sympathetic to the people to be

游客2023-12-31  7

问题 Whenever we hear of a natural disaster, we feel sympathetic to the people to be affected.

选项 A、to have affected
B、to have effected
C、who have been effected
D、who have been affected

答案 D

解析 本题考查句子时态和词义辨析。本句话意为“每当听说自然灾害时,我们都会对那些遭受影响的人表示同情。”动词不定式常表将要发生的动作,与句意不符,故排除;affect"影响,感染",effect“产生,达到(目的等)”,根据句意可知,affect“影响”符合题意。故本题答案为D。