Flexibility is an essential component of good cooking. You should never feel

游客2023-12-31  12

问题    Flexibility is an essential component of good cooking. You should never feel locked into a recipe or a menu unless it involves a basic principle regarding procedure or technique such as those involved in bread-making and pastry. I don’t ever want to write anything in this book that is so precise that the reader must invoke great powers of concentration on every last detail in order to ensure the success of a recipe or a dinner; ingredients are simply too variable. I want to suggest the expected taste; I want to suggest the appearance of the complete dish; I want to suggest the combination of ingredients; and I want to suggest the overall harmony and balance of the meal. Then it will be up to you to determine the correct balance and composition. Perhaps the garlic is sharp and strong, and you will use it sparingly in a particular presentation, or you may find the garlic to be sweet and fresh, and you will want to use twice as much!
   Learn to trust your own instincts. A good cook needs only to have positive feelings about food in general, and about the pleasures of eating and cooking. I have known some cooks who did not seem to discover pleasure and gratification in things culinary. At the restaurant, I look for employees who are interested in working in the kitchen for reasons above and beyond those of simply needing a job, any job. This applies equally to the home cook: a cook who dislikes food is a bad cook. Even an ambivalent cook is a bad cook. Yet, a person who responds to the cooking processes and the mound of fresh ingredients with a genuine glow of delight is likely to be, or become, a very good cook indeed. Technical skills can be acquired and perfected along the way, but dislike or ambivalence toward food cannot always be overcome.
   In the early stages of my culinary pursuits, I cooked as I had seen cooking done in France. I copied some of the more traditional cooks, and I stayed within the bounds they had laid out so carefully because I didn’t trust my own instincts yet. Having imitated their styles, I found that with time and experience, their fundamental principles had become a part of my nature and I began to understand why they had done certain things in a particular way. Then, I could begin to develop a different and more personal style based on the ingredients available to me here in California. [br] The example of the garlic can show______.

选项 A、the importance of every detail
B、the variability of ingredients
C、the need to be a flexible cook
D、the preference for strong flavors

答案 B

解析    逻辑推理。大蒜的例子是为了例证上一句“Then it will be up to you to determine the correct balance and composition”,即由个人决定配料的平衡与组合,然后以大蒜用量的加减为例来帮助说明这个论点。本题的选项C干扰作用强大,因为第二段的确阐述了厨师的主体性,不过本题的逻辑基础是配料,所以例证与之匹配,故选B。【知识拓展】英语阅读材料重视写作逻辑,有些是显性的,有些是隐性的。熟悉并掌握这些规律,阅读时可以顺藤摸瓜,准确捕捉原文意旨。参考托福和SAT等的阅读发现,命题思路多集中在阅读材料的写作思路和逻辑方面。