If the chef had been more careful in measuring the ingredients, he could give a

游客2023-12-31  10

问题 If the chef had been more careful in measuring the ingredients, he could give a good dinner.

选项 A、resulting in a better dinner it would
B、it would have resulted a better dinner
C、much better would the dinner have been
D、the dinner would have been much better

答案 D

解析 若厨师配料时再仔细点,菜品质量会好很多。本题虚拟语气的形式错误。if引导的条件从句用了had been,相应的结果主句形式为would have done,但是题干却只用了过去式。选项中只有D符合。选项A的resulting in表示已经发生的结果,但it would的句法结构错误。选项B的it所指不明,且result是不及物动词,后面不能直接跟名词结构作宾语。选项C的主语位置错误。