The benefits of exercise is as psychological as physical.A、are as much psycholog

游客2023-12-31  10

问题 The benefits of exercise is as psychological as physical.

选项 A、are as much psychological as physical
B、are more psychological than physical
C、is psychological in parts and physical as well
D、have psychological aspects as well as the physical ones

答案 A

解析 运动不仅对身体有益,也对心理有益。本题考查重点是主谓一致和搭配。主语为复数名词,谓语动词应与之保持一致,但题干和选项C均为单数,故错误。题干中画线部分用到了as…as…结构,但两个as后面跟的都是形容词,属于搭配错误,正确搭配为A as+adj./adv.+as B,表示“A与B一样……”。句意表明,此处用到的搭配应是as+much+adj.+as+adj.,意思是“对于……和……一样多/重要”。这样,两个形容词就成了类比的目标,故只有选项A正确。