Just as there are occupations that require only college or even higher degrees,

游客2023-12-30  6

问题 Just as there are occupations that require only college or even higher degrees, so also there are too occupations for which technical training is necessary.

选项 A、also are
B、too there would be
C、there are
D、too are there

答案 C

解析 有些职业要求大学及以上学历,同理,有的职业要求必须参加过技术培训。本题考查并列比较结构的用法。题干重复使用了句间连接词,其正确搭配形式为:just as…,so…,表示“……就像……一样”。题干前后两个分句的主体结构均为there be,都不需要倒装,故C选项正确。A选项的also是冗余成分,又省略了there,结构不完整;B选项的too与A选项also一样为冗余成分,且时态与前一分句不一致;D选项也用了冗余成分too,且采用倒装形式,属于结构错误。