Just as an orchestra cannot consist only of violins, a society cannot consist on

游客2023-12-30  12

问题 Just as an orchestra cannot consist only of violins, a society cannot consist only of managers, for society is an organism that different parts have different functions.

选项 A、in which
B、of which
C、where from
D、where as

答案 A

解析 几把小提琴组不了乐团,同理,只有经理人构不成社会,因为社会是个有机体,不同的角色各司其职。本题考查定语从句的关系词。从句的先行词为organism,后面的从句主谓宾齐全,此时有两种情况:同位语从句或复杂关系词引导的定语从句。根据语义,different parts是在有机体里面发挥作用,故从句为定语。既然在有机体内部发挥作用,关系词需要用in which或where,即A选项正确。