Both Mike and Joe wants to be sportscasters when they grow up.A、wanted to be spo

游客2023-12-30  18

问题 Both Mike and Joe wants to be sportscasters when they grow up.

选项 A、wanted to be sportscasters when growing up
B、want to be sportscasters when they will grow up
C、want to be sportscasters when they grew up
D、want to be sportscasters when they grow up

答案 D

解析 迈克和乔长大后都想当体育节目解说员。本题考查动词的时态和主谓一致原则。题干的wants违反了主谓一致原则。时间状语从句用了一般现在时,主句可以是一般将来时或一般现在时。选项A的过去时错误;选项B的从句用了将来时,违反了主将从现原则;选项C的从句用了过去时,与主句时态不匹配。