As it was a small party, we need not dress up so formally.A、needed not to dress

游客2023-12-30  6

问题 As it was a small party, we need not dress up so formally.

选项 A、needed not to dress up
B、must not dress up
C、need not have dressed up
D、must not have dressed up

答案 A

解析 这是个小型聚会,我们不必穿得如此正式。本句考查。need的时态与否定形式。从As it was a small party看,题干在描述过去的事件,主从句都应该用过去时。need not说明need要用否定形式,它的过去时的否定形式有两种:needed not to和didn’t have to,选项A符合要求。选项B的must not有“禁止”之意;选项c表示“本不需要……”,多用于事后的反思;选项D的肯定形式多用于对过去事实的推测,否定式不常见。