When asked to choose between entertainment shows and documentaries, female colle

游客2023-12-30  10

问题 When asked to choose between entertainment shows and documentaries, female college students are as likely as choose entertainment shows third as their male classmates.

选项 A、as three times likely to choose entertainment shows as
B、three times as likely to choose entertainment shows as
C、as likely to choose entertainment shows three times as
D、as likely to three times choose entertainment shows as

答案 B

解析 句意:当被要求在娱乐节目和纪录片之间做出选择时,女大学生选择娱乐节目的可能性是男同学的三倍。“倍数+形容词/副词比较级”结构表示“……比……大/多/长几倍”,所以选项B为答案。