Driving to Lithfield, the freezing rain made the road slippery and hazardous.A、W

游客2023-12-30  4

问题 Driving to Lithfield, the freezing rain made the road slippery and hazardous.

选项 A、When we are driving to Lithfield
B、To drive to Lithfield
C、We drove to Lithfield and
D、When we drove to Lithfield

答案 D

解析 主句的主语是the freezing rain,画线部分用了现在分词结构,其逻辑主语是人,与主语相矛盾。B换入句中,句意不通顺,因为To drive to是“人”的目的。C文法错误,若把C换入句中,and后的逗号不用加上。主句的谓语made为过去式,A用现在时,错误。故选D。