The image of a devoted and noble angel in white who heals the wounded and rescue

游客2023-12-30  5

问题 The image of a devoted and noble angel in white who heals the wounded and rescues the dying is making a comeback but the nation faces a crisis.

选项 A、that heals; because
B、heals; when
C、which heals; that
D、that heals; as

答案 D

解析 第一处画线部分应为定语从句,修饰先行词angel,因此句子的主干应为The image is making a comeback;其后的状语从句应表示时间背景,因此用as。句意:在国家面临危机的时候,一个救死扶伤的忠诚高尚的白衣天使形象正在重现。