There is a continued need for multilateralism. In an interdependent world,

游客2023-12-30  22

问题     There is a continued need for multilateralism.  In an interdependent world, no nation is an island and everybody’s fortunes are linked with each other. The United Nations is the stronghold of multilateralism and should continue to be so. This Summit is the moment to reflect on the future of the United Nations. The United Nations is often the only one out in the field to assist, to advise and to build institutions. It is imperative that the Member States give it the means and resources that enable the Organization to fulfill its mandate. [br]  


答案     确保世界和平最有效的方法就是发展经济,促进各地区经济繁荣,人民安居乐业。一个地区的经济发展会对其他地区的繁荣起到支持和补充作用。全球化和贸易自由化进程在带来希望的同时,也造成了一些令人失望的问题。当前的全球贸易体制使得富裕的北半球愈加富裕,而贫穷的南半球却愈加贫穷。这种发展的不平衡对背负着日益增长的债务负担的发展中国家来说无异于雪上加霜。我想告诫,北半球也不会不受其影响,最终也将被卷入这一漩涡。发展中国家需要债权国和国际金融机构的理解和合作,帮助他们从沉重的债务负担中解脱出来。
