Fuji-Xerox is one of the most enduring and reportedly successful alliances b

游客2023-12-30  69

问题     Fuji-Xerox is one of the most enduring and reportedly successful alliances between two companies from different countries. Established in 1962, today Fuji-Xerox is structured as a 50/50 joint venture between the Xerox Group, the US maker of photocopiers, and Fuji Photo Film, Japan’s largest manufacturer of film products. With sales of close to $10 billion, Fuji-Xerox provides Xerox with over 20 percent of its worldwide revenues. A prime motivation to establish the joint venture was the Japanese government’s refusal in the early 1960s to allow foreign companies to set up wholly owned subsidiaries in Japan. The joint venture was conceived as a marketing organization to sell xerographic products that would be manufactured by Fuji Photo under licence from Xerox.


答案     富士一施乐是一家由来自不同国家的两家公司所结成的最持久,也是被外界称为最成功的联盟公司之一。富士一施乐建立于1962年,至今已发展成为一家在施乐集团公司与富士照相胶卷公司之间对半分的合资企业,施乐集团是美国一家复印机制造商,而富士照相胶卷公司则是日本最大的胶卷产品制造商。富士—施乐公司的销售额接近100亿美元,施乐公司在世界范围内的收益中有20%来自这家合资企业。建立这家合资企业的最初动机来自日本政府于1960年初颁布的法规,即不允许外国公司在日本建立独资子公司。这家合资公司在当时被构想成为一个营销组织,专卖富士照相胶卷公司在得到施乐公司许可之后所生产的静电印刷产品。
