Now, you probably all have heard the term big data. In fact, you’re probably
Now, you probably all have heard the term big data. In fact, you’re probably
Now, you probably all have heard the term big data. In fact, you’re probably sick of hearing the term big data. It is true that there is a lot of hype around the term, and that is very unfortunate, because big data is an extremely important tool by which society is going to advance. In the past, we used to look at small data and think about what it would mean to try to understand the world, and now we have a lot more of it, more than we ever could before. What we find is that when we have a large body of data, we can fundamentally do things that we couldn’t do when we only had smaller amounts. Big data is important, and big data is new, and when you think about it, the only way this planet is going to deal with its global challenges — to feed people, supply them with medical care, supply them with energy, electricity, and to make sure they’re not burnt to a crisp because of global warming — is because of the effective use of data.
So what is new about big data? What is the big deal? Well, to answer that question, let’s think about what information looked like, physically looked like in the past. In 1908, on the island of Crete, archaeologists discovered a clay disc. They dated it from 2000 B. C. , so it’s 4, 000 years old. Now, there’s inscriptions on this disc, but we actually don’t know what it means. It’s a complete mystery, but the point is that this is what information used to look like 4, 000 years ago. This is how society stored and transmitted information.
Now, society hasn’t advanced all that much. We still store information on discs, but now we can store a lot more information, more than ever before. Searching it is easier. Copying it easier. Sharing it is easier. Processing it is easier. And what we can do is we can reuse this information for uses that we never even imagined when we first collected the data. In this respect, the data has gone from a stock to a flow, from something that is stationary and static to something that is fluid and dynamic. There is, if you will, a liquidity to information. The disc that was discovered off of Crete that’s 4, 000 years old, is heavy, it doesn’t store a lot of information, and that information is unchangeable. By contrast, all of the files that Edward Snowden took from the National Security Agency in the United States fits on a memory stick the size of a fingernail, and it can be shared at the speed of light.
Now, one reason why we have so much data in the world today is we are collecting things that we’ve always collected information on, but another reason why is we’re taking things that have always been informational but have never been rendered into a data format and we are putting it into data. Think, for example, the question of location. Take, for example, Martin Luther. If we wanted to know in the 1500s where Martin Luther was, we would have to follow him at all times, maybe with a feathery quill and an inkwell, and record it, but now think about what it looks like today. You know that somewhere, probably in a telecommunications carrier’s database, there is a spreadsheet or at least a database entry that records your information of where you’ve been at all times. If you have a cell phone, and that cell phone has GPS, but even if it doesn’t have GPS, it can record your information. In this respect, location has been datafied.
Now think, for example, of the issue of posture, the way that you are all sitting right now, the way that you sit, the way that you sit, the way that you sit. It’s all different, and it’s a function of your leg length and your back and the contours of your back, and if I were to put sensors, maybe 100 sensors into all of your chairs right now, I could create an index that’s fairly unique to you, sort of like a fingerprint, but it’s not your finger.
A.美托洛尔 B.哌唑嗪 C.双氢克尿噻 D.氨氯地平 E.卡托普利高血