And even more policy makers and the corporate sectors would like to see how

游客2023-12-30  34

问题     And even more policy makers and the corporate sectors would like to see how the world is changing. Now, why doesn’t this take place? Why are we not using the data we have? We have data in the United Nations, in the national statistical agencies and in universities and other nongovernmental organizations. Because the data is hidden down in the databases. And the public is there, and the Internet is there, but we have still not used it effectively. All that information we saw changing in the world does not include publicly-funded statistics. There are some web pages like this, you know, but they take some nourishment down from the databases, but people put prices on them, stupid passwords and boring statistics. [br]  


答案     从古希腊米洛的维纳斯到20世纪60年代的玛丽莲-梦露,每个时代都怀有美的理想,也都产生过该种理想的形象的化身。“世界数码小姐”选美比赛便是通过虚拟的方式寻找当代人眼中的完美女人。设计者们通过设计程序使他们的参赛选手走过虚拟的T型舞台,还有虚拟主持人和嘉宾烘托选美比赛的现场气氛。获胜者将参加真实的颁奖仪式。数码皇后可望继续在电脑游戏、虚拟现实电影和广告中有更大的作为。
