
游客2023-12-29  52

B: The pleasure is mine. Both Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu are famous dramatists and their influence has reached far beyond their national boundaries2. They have many things in common. For example, there were many works of literature and arts in their societies, and both China and England at that time had a rich cultural life.
B: It’s interesting to note that these two plays have totally different endings. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy while The Peony Pavilion is a comedy. This may be related to the style of Chinese and English plays and people’s preferences at that time.
B: Yes, and the target audience of Shakespeare’s works were people from all different fields, including the queen and the citizens. Therefore, his plays were welcomed by the whole society and were generally more well-known than those of Tang Xianzu during their times.


答案 A: Mr. Smith, it’s a pleasure to talk with you as well as Chinese and foreign friends about Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu. These two writers have good reputations in their home countries. Although they didn’t know each other, today we often compare one with the other. Part of the reason is that they lived in the same era and both passed away in 1616.
A: Yes, both the culture of society in the Ming dynasty and the English Renaissance provided good environments for writers. There’re also some similarities between the works of Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu, such as their focus on human emotions and the common values of mankind. Romeo and Juliet and The Peony Pavilion both told stories of love between young men and women.
A: There’s no doubt that works of both writers have a high literary value. But their styles are a bit different due to the groups of audience they had. In the Ming dynasty in China, Kunqu was the most popular type of drama whose main audience was writers and nobles. In order to meet their demands, the plays were written beautifully and elegantly. But for ordinary people, they were a bit difficult to understand.
A: It’s now generally believed that Shakespeare’s works are the representative of English literature while Tang Xianzu’s works only symbolize Chinese traditional plays. This might be related to the popularity and influence of their works among ordinary people.
