What does the speaker mean? [br] [originaltext]As I walked into this old haunte

游客2023-12-29  10

问题 What does the speaker mean? [br]  
As I walked into this old haunted house, I heard this terrible scream and my blood ran cold when I saw this figure in white rushing straight at me.
Jack, you’re talking big about how great your team is and how bad they’ll beat my team on Saturday. Let’s bet fifty dollars on who win. Let’s see you put your money where your mouth is.

选项 A、He’s boasting of his own team.
B、He’s speaking ill of the speaker’s team.
C、He likes to bet money for his team.
D、He enjoys betting with the speaker.

答案 A

解析 词义理解题。原文相关部分意思是“Jack你就吹吧——你们队有多厉害,你们周六会把我们队打得多惨。我们赌50元看谁赢……”。由此可见,说者认为Jack在夸口。因此A项是正确答案。