Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 wor
Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 wor
Listen to the following passage. Write a short English summary of around 150 words of what you have heard. This part of the test carries 30 points. You will hear the passage only once. At the end of the recording, you will have 25 minutes to finish this part. You may need to scribble a few notes in order to write your summary satisfactorily.
Recelluar is an America-based company that deals with used mobile phones and refurbishes them for international sale, most of which will be directed to the developing world. A large part of these cell phones are donated by their owners, who tend to replace them for newer models. About 60% of the collected phones can be refurbished and sold as phones and others are sold as spare accessories. Recelluar owns more than half of cell phones recycle business of US and a quarter of the world business of this kind. These reprocessed phones are usually sold at a much lower price than the new phones so that people in the developing world where the coverage of mobile phone reception has been enlarged can have better access to wireless communication to facilitate the economic growth.
With the number of cell phones in use worldwide hitting 2 billion and rising, recycled phones are playing a crucial role in the spread of wireless communications across the developing world, where land lines can be costly or unavailable. The odds are good that a refurbished cell phone in the pocket of a user in Bolivia, Jamaica, Kenya, Ukraine or Yemen originated with ReCellular Inc. Based in small-town Michigan, ReCellular gets 75,000 used phones a week --most collected in charity fundraisers--and refurbishes them for sale around the world. ReCellular has more than half the US phone recycling business. Executives say they are doing well for themselves as well as for the March of Dimes and other national charities that benefit from the company’s purchase of donated phones. "The fact that you can combine a business --a profitable business -- with a useful service and a charitable good is a win, win, win," said ReCellular Vice President Mike Newman, 32. Charles Newman, Mike’s father, founded the company in 1991 after decades as an entrepreneur in the retail computer business. When ReCellular opened for business 15 years ago, it handled 300 to 400 cell phones a month.
"If we’re not doing that many in a few minutes (now), we’re having a bad day," Mike Newman said. With Americans trading in their phones for fancier models every 18 months on average, the supply of used but perfectly functional phones is enormous, Newman said. Millions, however, end up sitting in drawers or closets because people don’t know what to do with them, he said. "Most people would be glad to donate them if they knew they could," he said.
ReCellular’s loading dock gets a flood of phones, some arriving in charity group’s individual mailers and other in large boxes from companies such as Sprint, Verizon and T-Mobile, which then donate the revenue from the phones to charities. Work crews separate the phones from the "spaghetti" of non-reusable wires and cords that are set aside for recycling. The phones are sorted, tested, fixed and packaged by model for resale. ReCellular handles about 500 phone models. About 60 percent of the phones that come in are reusable. The rest are used for parts or sold as strap. "We squeeze out as much value as possible," Newman said. The refurbished phones sell wholesale for about $17 to $18. Retailers sell them for $40 or less, he said. ReCellular has about 53 percent of the used cell phone business in the US, according to an estimate by high tech management consultant Michael Blumberg, president of D.F. Blumberg Associates Inc. in Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. Other major players include RMS Communications Inc. in Ocala, Florida, and PaceButler Corp. in Edmond, Oklahoma. Newman said 55 percent to 60 percent of its phones are sold outside the US and said the company has about a quarter of the worldwide cell phone refurbishing business.
Refurbished cell phones are opening doors to wireless communication in much of the developing world, where a new cell phone might be prohibitively expensive, Blumberg said: "Sometimes, you have someone in a village who has a cell phone and rents out time," he said.
Today, about 80 percent of the world’s people live in an area with cell phone reception, Newman said. Along with education and health care, the spread of cell phones is a leading spur to economic growth, he said. The March of Dimes, which does research anti education on birth defect prevention, turned to ReCellular when it decided to launch a cell phone donation program several years ago. The drive brings in about $160,000 a year.
With the number of cell phones in use worldwide hitting 2 billion and rising,recycled phones are Playing a crucial role in the spread of wireless communications across the developing world.
ReCellular gets 75,000 used phones a week—— most collected in charity fundraisers— and refurbishes them for sale around the world. ReCellular has more than half the US phone recycling business.
Today,about 80 percent of the world’s people live in an area with cell phone reception, Newman said,Along with education and health care,the spread of cell phones is a leading spur to economic growth.
A.20岁 B.1个月~5个月 C.6个月~5岁 D.50岁以上 E.1
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在产品形成的过程中,信息流是()物流而产生的。 A.先于B.伴随 C.落