For more than two centuries, American’s colleges and universities have been
For more than two centuries, American’s colleges and universities have been
For more than two centuries, American’s colleges and universities have been the backbone of the country’s progress. They have educated the technical, managerial, (1) and provided generation after generation of national leaders. Today educators from around the globe are turning to U. S. institutions of higher learning (2) . They are apt to find many reasons for the excellence of American universities, but (3) stand out as watersheds:
Education (4) : In 1862 Congress enacted the Land-Grant College Act, which essentially extended the opportunity of higher education (5) , including such disenfranchised groups as women and minorities. Each state was permitted to sell large tracts of (6) and use the proceeds to endow at least one public college.
(7) : Over the years, the decentralization and diversity of the America’s colleges and universities have promoted competition for students and resources. Competitive pressure first arose (8) . The academy’s impact really grew after World War II, when (9) commissioned by President Roosevelt argued that it was the federal government’s responsibility to (10) for basic research. Instead of being centralized in government laboratories, scientific research (11) in American universities and generated increasing investment. It also gave graduate students research opportunities and helped (12) far and wide, to the benefit of industry, medicine and society as a whole.
(13) : The end of the World War II saw passage of the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944. The law, which provided for (14) for returning veterans, made an already democratic higher-education system accessible in ways that were (15) in Europe, opening the doors of the best universities to men and women who had (16) of going to college.
(17) : The creation of federal loan guarantees and subsidy programs, as well as outright grants for college students brought (18) to higher education and further helped to democratize access. Since its founding (19) , the Federal Family Education Loan Program has funded more than 74 million student loans worth more than (20) . [br]
For more than two centuries, American’s colleges and universities have been the backbone of the country’s progress. They have educated the technical, managerial, professional work force and provided generation after generation of national leaders. Today educators from around the globe are turning to U.S. institutions of higher learning for inspiration. They are apt to find many reasons for the excellence of American universities, but four historic acts stand out as watersheds:
Education for the mass: In 1862 Congress enacted the Land-Grant College Act, which essentially extended the opportunity of higher education to all Americans, including such disenfranchised groups as women and minorities. Each state was permitted to sell large tracts of federal land and use the proceeds to endow at least one public college.
Competition breeds success: Over the years, the decentralization and diversity of America’s colleges and universities have promoted competition for students and resources. Competitive pressure first arose during the Civil War. The academy’s impact really grew after World War II, when a landmark report commissioned by President Roosevelt argued that it was the federal government’s responsibility to provide adequate funds for basic research. Instead of being centralized in government laboratories, scientific research became decentralized in American universities and generated increasing investment. It also gave graduate students research opportunities and helped spread scientific discoveries far and wide, to the benefit of industry, medicine and society as a whole.
Investing in the future: The end of the World War II saw passage of the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944. The law, which provided for college or vocational education for returning veterans, made an already democratic higher-education system accessible in ways that were inconceivable in Europe, opening the doors of the best universities to men and women who had never dreamed of going to college.
Promoting diversity: The creation of federal loan guarantees and subsidy programs, as well as outright grants for college students brought much-needed diversity to higher education and further helped to democratize access. Since its founding in 1965, the Federal Family Education Loan. Program has funded more than 74 million student loans worth more than $180 billion.
Investing in the future
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关于自下而上的分析方法,下列说法正确的有( )。 Ⅰ自下而上的分析法注重对股
在硫酸锌滴眼液中,为防止水解,使其呈弱酸性,常需要加入的酸是A.醋酸 B.硫酸
【案例】 某公司承接一座城市跨河桥A标,为上、下行分立的两幅桥,上部结构为现浇