What does the speaker mean? [br] [originaltext]As I walked into this old haunte

游客2023-12-29  4

问题 What does the speaker mean? [br]  
As I walked into this old haunted house, I heard this terrible scream and my blood ran cold when I saw this figure in white rushing straight at me.
Hi, Jim! You look pretty good today. Everybody at the office says hello -- We’re all praying for you to pull through this operation and get back to work as soon as you can.

选项 A、He’s gone through an operation.
B、He’s getting sick.
C、He’s had an accident.
D、He looks good today.

答案 A

解析 语义理解题。原文意思是“嗨,Jim你今天看上去很好,办公室所有人都问候你。大家都在为你祈祷,希望你能从手术中康复,尽快回来工作。”由此可见,A项“他刚做完手术”与原文相符,该项为正确答案。