What does the study reveal? [br] [originaltext]A recent study reveals that peop

游客2023-12-29  10

问题 What does the study reveal? [br]  
A recent study reveals that people are more likely to get hired if they look well-groomed, that good-looking people make about 12% more money than less appealing folks.
The Statue of Liberty has served as the guardian of New York Harbor for more than a century. Today the monument continues to present a beautiful sight on the New York skyline.

选项 A、It is a symbol of New York in Central Park.
B、It was built in this century.
C、It is a beautiful sight today in New York City.
D、It served as the guardian of New York for more than 300 years.

答案 C

解析 原文的意思是“自由女神像守卫在纽约港一个多世纪,今天,她依然是纽约天际线上的一道亮丽风景”。A选项无法从原文推知,B和D都是信息理解错误,因此正确选项为C。