A few months back, Desalegn Godebo’s wife descended into a feverish delirium

游客2023-12-28  27

问题     A few months back, Desalegn Godebo’s wife descended into a feverish delirium. "It was as if she were mad, “he said, shuddering at the memory.” she was scratching me like a crazy woman."
    Before a new road was built through this village, Godebo would have loaded his wife onto his back and hiked six hours along narrow dirt paths to the small city of Awasa. Instead, he lifted her into a truck for the one-hour ride to town. Her condition was diagnosed as malaria and typhoid. She is well now and back home caring for their baby.
    The dirt-and-gravel road may look like a timeless feature of the Great Rift Valley (东非大裂谷). But it is part of a huge public road-building project that is slowly hauling one of the poorest, hungriest nations on earth into modernity.
    The people who live along it divide time into two eras: Before the Road and After the Road. Because of the road, people can take their sick to the hospital and their children to distant schools. Farmers like Godebo who had only their own feet or a donkey’s back for transport can now transport their crops to market.
    Ethiopia, an agricultural society where most farmers still live more than a half-day’s walk from roads, has been especially hobbled by their absence.
    Support for roads in Africa, particularly from the World Bank, is growing again after a decade of decline in the 1990s. Then the bank reduced lending for roads.
    Road-building is coming back in style as a way to combat rural poverty in Africa.
    While no one expects roads alone to end the chronic hunger faced by millions of Ethiopians or the famines that loom periodically, most development experts agree that they are a precondition for progress and are essential to the success of the Green Revolution, which produces abundance in much of Asia but bypasses Africa.


答案     几个月以前,德撒林?高德宝的妻子因发烧而精神错乱。高德宝想起当时的情景就不寒而栗。他说:“她当时就像疯子一样。她用指甲抓我,简直是个疯子。”

解析 1.A few months back, Desalegn Godebo’s wife descended into a feverish delirium. 几个月以前,德撒林?高德宝的妻子因发烧而精神错乱。
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    back可指“(时间)以前”,如:That was a few years back. 那是几年以前的事。所以,原文中的状语a few months back译成“几个月前”。descend指“下降”,在这里应该是选用“陷入”的含义,因后面跟的delirium指一种病态,所以该词可以省译。形容词feverish在这里直接作定语,修饰delirium(精神错乱),所以翻译成“由于发烧而精神错乱”。
2.shuddering at the memory想起当时的情景就不寒而栗
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    介词短语at the memory译成“一想起/想起当时的情景”。
3.Before a new road was built through this village, Godebo would have loaded his wife onto his back and hiked six hours along narrow dirt paths to the small city of Awasa. 过去这个村子不通公路,高德宝就得背上妻子顺着狭窄的土路走上六个钟头,上小城阿瓦萨去看病。
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    如果状语从句Before a new road was built through this village译成“在这个村子通公路之前”的话,所表达的意思没有错误,但不符合汉语习惯,所以译成“过去这个村子不通公路”。另外,采用增词的方法翻译to the small city of Awasa, 增加“看病”两个字,即“上小城阿瓦萨去看病”。
4.Instead, he lifted her into a truck for the one-hour ride to town. 这一次就不用了,他把妻子扶上一辆卡车,一个小时就进了小城。
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5.Her condition was diagnosed as malaria and typhoid. 经诊断,她得了疟疾和伤寒。
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6.But it is part of a huge public road-building Project that is slowly hauling one of the poorest, hungriest nations on earth into modernity. 其实不然,它是一项宏伟的筑路工程的一部分,这项公共工程正逐渐推动世界上贫穷、饥饿最为严重的国家之一走向现代化。
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    该句要用断句的方式进行翻译。that is slowly hauling one of the poorest, hungriest nations on earth into modernity可翻译成一个小分句“这项公共工程正逐渐推动世界上贫穷、饥饿最为严重的国家之一走向现代化”。haul…into翻译成“推动……进入”。modernity译成“现代化”。
7.The people who live along it divide time into two eras: Before the Road and After the Road. 沿路的百姓把时间分为两个时代:“修路前”和“修路后”。
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    代词it要翻译出它的本义“路”。Before the Road and After the Road的Road在翻译时要用增词的方式加上“修”字。
8.Ethiopia, an agricultural society where most farmers still live more than a half-day’s walk from roads, has been especially hobbled by their absence. 埃塞俄比亚是一个农业国,至今大部分农民要走半天的时间才能走上公路,因此,没有公路一直对埃塞俄比亚的发展影响很大。
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    该句为复合句,可采用断句的方法分成三部分,译成三个独立句子。整个句子的主语Ethiopia, an agricultural society译成一个单独的句子“埃塞俄比亚是一个农业国”。从句部分where most farmers still live more than a half-day’s walk from roads可以译成另一个句子“至今大部分农民要走半天的时间才能走上公路”。整个句子的谓语部分has been especially hobbled by their absence译成“没有公路一直对埃塞俄比亚的发展影响很大”。Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚(非洲东部国家)。hobble,常见词义为“蹒跚”,在这里应选用其“妨碍,束缚住,影响”这个词义。absence指“缺席,缺乏”。这里的absence根据上下文应指公路的缺少,即没有公路。
9.Then the bank reduced lending for roads. 当时世界银行削减了筑路的贷款。
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10.Road-building is coming back in style as a way to combat rural poverty in Africa. 筑路工程现在又轰轰烈烈地恢复起来,这是非洲农村战胜贫困的一条出路。
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    in style指“别具风格地;时髦地,流行地;很成功地”。这里根据文章内容,修路是一项活动,所以,应选择“轰轰烈烈”来表示“恢复”。as a way to combat rural poverty in Africa中的as可以直译成“作为……方式”,把整个介词短语放在句首,也可以译成一句:这是非洲农村战胜贫困的一条出路。
11.While no one expects roads alone to end the chronic hunger faced by millions of Ethiopians or the famines that loom periodically, most development experts agree that they are a precondition for progress and are essential to the success of the Green Revolution, which produces abundance in much of Asia but bypasses Africa. 虽然谁也不指望只靠修路就能解除千百万埃塞俄比亚人长期忍受的饥饿之苦,就能消除不时出现的饥荒之灾,然而致力于发展的专家们一致认为,修路是取得进步的先决条件,也是绿色革命成功的基础。当年绿色革命在亚洲广大地区取得了丰硕的成果,却与非洲失之交臂。
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    首先采用断句的方式把While no one expects roads...the success of the Green Revolution翻译成一个句子。后面的非限定性定语从句译成另外一个句子。While做连词有以下几种含义“当……的时候,和……同时;但是,然而;虽然;尽管”。在这里首句为一个让步状语从句,因此应选择最后一层含义,即“虽然……”。alone不译成“单独的”,在本句中指的是“仅仅,只”。development experts如果直接翻译为“发展专家”不符合汉语习惯,实际上指的是“致力于发展的专家”。从句they are a precondition for progress中的代词they在翻译时不能译成“它们”,这样指代不清,应该译成“修路”。bypass指“绕开,避开,从旁边经过”。but bypasses Africa如果译成“绕过非洲”,不通顺,所以可以用更书面的语言来表达,即“与非洲擦肩而过”或“没能在这里展开”。