Perhaps all this adds up to a belief in what has been called the human use of hu

游客2023-12-28  34

问题 Perhaps all this adds up to a belief in what has been called the human use of human beings. We are set off from the rest of the animal world by our capacity consciously to transcend our physical needs and desires. Men must concern themselves with food and with other physical needs, and they must protect themselves and their own from bodily harm, but these activities are not exclusively human. Many animals concern themselves with these things. When we worship, pray, or feel compassion, when we enjoy a painting, a sunset or a sonata, when we think and reason, pursue ideas, seek truth, or read a book, when we protect the weak and helpless, when we honor the noble and cherish the good, when we co-operate with our fellow men to build a better world, our behavior is worthy of our status as human beings.


答案 或许,这一切构筑出一种信仰,即人如何实现人类的价值。我们人优于动物是因为人能有意识地控制身体的需求和欲望。人必须考虑食物和其他身体的需要,必须保护自己和亲人的身体不受伤害,但这些活动不只是人的活动,许多动物也关注这些事。当我们膜拜、祷告或感动,当我们欣赏一幅画、欣赏日落或欣赏一首奏鸣曲,当我们保护弱者和孤苦无助的人,当我们尊重行为高尚的人,心怀行善的愿望,当我们与他人合作建设更美好的明天时,我们的行为才使我们毫无愧色地被称为人类。
