Angkor is one of the most important archaeological sites in Southeast Asia.

游客2023-12-28  27

问题     Angkor is one of the most important archaeological sites in Southeast Asia. For several centuries, Angkor was the centre of the Khmer Kingdom. With impressive monuments, several different ancient urban plans and large water reservoirs, the site is a unique concentration of features testifying to an exceptional civilization. Temples, exemplars of Khmer architecture, are closely linked to their geographical context as well as being imbued with symbolic significance. The architecture and layout of the successive capitals bear witness to a high level of social order and ranking within the Khmer Empire. Angkor is therefore a major site exemplifying cultural, religious and symbolic values, as well as containing high architectural, archaeological and artistic significance.
    The Angkor complex encompasses all major architectural buildings and hydrological engineering systems from the Khmer period. All the individual aspects illustrate the intactness of the site very much reflecting the splendor of the cities that once were. The site integrity however, is put under dual pressures: endogenous: exerted by more than 100, 000 inhabitants distributed over 112 historic settlements scattered over the site, who constantly try to expand their dwelling areas; exogenous: related to the proximity of the town of Siem Reap, the seat of the province and a tourism hub.
    Angkor is one of the largest archaeological sites in operation in the world. Tourism represents an enormous economic potential but it can also generate irreparable destructions of the tangible as well as intangible cultural heritage. Many research projects have been undertaken, since the international safeguarding program was first launched in 1993. The scientific objectives of the research (e. g. anthropological studies on socio-economic conditions) result in a better knowledge and understanding of the history of the site, and its inhabitants that constitute a rich exceptional legacy of the intangible heritage. The purpose is to associate the “intangible culture” to the enhancement of the monuments in order to sensitize the local population to the importance and necessity of its protection and preservation and assist in the development of the site as Angkor is a living heritage site where Khmer people in general, but especially the local population, are known to be particularly conservative with respect to ancestral traditions and where they adhere to a great number of archaic cultural practices that have disappeared elsewhere.
    Moreover, the Angkor Archaeological Park is very rich in medicinal plants, used by the local population for treatment of diseases. The Preah Khan temple is considered to have been a university of medicine and the NeakPoan an ancient hospital.


答案     吴哥是东南亚地区最重要的考古遗址之一。几个世纪以来,吴哥一直是高棉王国的都城。除了令人印象深刻的历史遗迹之外,当地还留有众多古城池与大型水库的遗址。如此之多的罕见遗迹汇集于一处,这就是当地曾经存在过高度文明的象征。作为一种典型的高棉建筑,寺庙与当地的地理环境密切相关,具有标志性意义。历代都城的建筑与布局在很大程度上见证了高棉帝国的社会秩序与等级。因此,作为一处重要的历史遗迹,吴哥不仅具有丰富的建筑、考古和艺术内涵,还展现出较高的文化、宗教和象征价值。
    此外,吴哥考古公园(Angkor Archaeological Park)内还生长着种类丰富的药用植物,当地居民用它们治疗多种疾病。圣剑寺(Preah Khan)据信过去曾是一所医药学府,而尼克潘(NeakPoan)则被认为是一家古老的医院。
