
游客2023-12-28  31

问题     ①法治是人类文明进步的标志,也是人权得以实现的保障。②全面依法治国,全方位提升人权保障法治化水平,保证人民享有更加充分的权利和自由,努力实现社会公平正义,更好推动人的全面发展、社会全面进步,是中国共产党、中国政府的坚定意志和不懈追求。
    ⑤经过五年来的开拓进取和改革发展,中国的人权法治化保障取得巨大成就,中国人民的各项基本权利和自由得到更加切实保障. 中国特色社会主义人权发展道路越走越宽广。⑥中国正在以前所未有的伟大实践,丰富着人类文明的多样性,为人类社会发展贡献中国智慧、提供中国方案。


答案     ①The rule of law is a symbol of human progress, and serves as the guarantee for ensuring human rights. ②lt is the determination and ultimate goal of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Chinese government to fully implement law-based governance of the country, strengthen legal protection of human rights in all areas, ensure that the Chinese people fully enjoy their rights and freedoms, achieve social fairness and justice, and promote overall human development and social progress.
    ③Over the years, China has upheld the law-based governance of the country as a basic guideline, striving to put the rule of law in a socialist context and making new progress in legal protection of human rights. ④In implementing the law-based governance of the country, China has upheld human rights in every link of the process, from scientific legislation through strict law enforcement and judicial justice to a law-abiding society.
    ⑤After five years of strenuous efforts in reform and development, China has made remarkable progress in law-based human rights protection. People’s basic rights and freedoms are now better protected under Chinese socialism. The undertaking of human rights protection in China has made much headway. ⑥Committed to a great and unprecedented cause, China is contributing to the diversity of human civilization and offering Chinese wisdom and solutions to promote social progress.

解析     1.②句较长,在翻译时应先抓住句子的中心思想,即“全面依法治同……社会全面进步是中国共产党、中网政府的坚定意志和不懈追求”为“……是……”结构,由于主语较长,若用原来的语序来翻译会导致头重脚轻,结构失衡,可考虑用it is sth. to do sth. 句型把主语后置,译为It is the determination and ultimate goal of the Communist Party of China(CPC)and the Chinese government to fully implement…,strengthen…,ensure that…,achieve…,and promote…。
    2.③句“中国坚持依法治国基本方略”和“努力建设社会主义法治国家”以及“人权法治化保障不断迈上新台阶”这三者是同时发生的事情,所以可以把“努力建设……”以及“人权法治化保障不断……”处理成现在分词结构,作伴随状语,译作Over the years,China has upheld the law-based governance of the country as a basic guideline,striving to…and making new progress in…。
    3.⑤句较长,参考译文把“中国人民的各项基本权利和自由得到更加切实保障,中国特色社会主义人权发展道路越走越宽广”分成两句话,也可用and来连接,译为一句话:People’s basic rights and freedoms are now better protected and the undertaking of human fights protection in China has made much headway.
    4.⑥句“中国正在以前所未有的伟大实践”可直译为In a great and unprecedented practice,参考译文使用了commit to一词,意思为give entirely to a specific person,activity,or cause,更能体现中国为人类社会发展作出伟大贡献的决心。