
游客2023-12-28  21

问题     亚洲是我们的共同家园。亚洲拥有全球60%以上的人口和30%以上的经济总量,在世界经济普遍低迷的形势下,亚洲已成为当前世界经济发展高地,是世界上最具发展潜力的地区之一。同时无须讳言,当前亚洲也面临经济下行压力较大、安全问题复杂、非传统安全挑战增多等问题。东南亚朋友讲“水涨荷花高”,中国人讲“众人拾柴火焰高”,都是说明一个道理:只有合作共赢才能办大事、办好事、办长久之事。


答案     Asia is our shared home. Accounting for over 60% of the world’s population and over 30% of the world’s economic aggregates, Asia is one of the most dynamic regions with the greatest development potential, particularly against the backdrop of a sluggish world economy. However, today’s Asia also faces downward pressure on the regional economy, a complicated security situation, increasing non-traditional security challenges and other issues. Our friends in Southeast Asia say that "lotus flowers grow taller as the water rises". A Chinese proverb goes that "when everybody adds fuel, the flames rise higher". Both sayings point to the truth that only through win-win cooperation can we make great, beneficial and sustainable achievements. Lasting peace and prosperity in Asia can only be achieved if all countries in Asia are committed to engaging in win-win cooperation and common development, promoting mutual learning among civilizations and closer people-to-people ties, and creating new drivers of the region’s social and economic dynamics.
    Cooperation in journalism and communication education is an important component of building a community of a shared future in Asia. China hopes to enhance mutual understanding between different countries in Asia, especially between the countries along "the Belt and Road". We stand ready to work with all countries in the region in the field of journalism and communication education and beyond for common development.

解析     本文节选自国务院新闻办公室副主任郭卫民在亚洲新闻传播学院院长论坛上的致辞,陈述了亚洲在世界经济中的重要地位及其当下面临的挑战,进而指出区域合作的必要性和良好基础,最后表达了中国在新闻传播教育领域与亚洲各国展开合作的意愿。
    文中有两句谚语,分别来自东南亚和中国,表达同样的道理,但使用了不同的形象,体现了谚语表达的生动性,契合亚洲地区的文化多样性,翻译时应保留原文的意象。因此,“众人拾柴火焰高”就不宜解释为There are many helping hands,而应译为When everybody adds fuel,the flames rise higher;对于“水涨荷花高”,虽有考生更熟悉的“水涨船高”(A rising tide lifts all boats),但如果生搬硬套译为A rising water lifts aIl lotus flowers,就会产生water+lift+flowers的生硬形象,因此需调整动词,将整句译作Lotus flowers grow taller as the water rises为妥。
    文中多次出现“促进”“提高”等正向动词,不少考生由于词汇贫乏,过度使用promote,enhance,boost等单个动词。平时应留意近义词汇的积累,翻译时在词汇本身和结构方面注意表达的多样性,例如,“激发……活力”可译为create new drivers of…。