Jerry saw his dog limping on a bloody leg and jumped up the conclusion that it h

游客2023-12-25  10

问题 Jerry saw his dog limping on a bloody leg and jumped up the conclusion that it had been shot.

选项 A、jumped over
B、jumped to
C、jumped for
D、jumped through

答案 B

解析 杰瑞看到他的小狗腿流着血。走路一瘸一拐,于是迅速得出结论——它中了枪。本题考查jump的不同介词搭配。A项jumped over意为“跳着从某物上方跨过”,用于描述一个具体动作;B项jumped to既可指具体动作“跳向”,也可用于喻指“迅速得出(结论),迅速达到(某个目的)”,此处符合题意;C项jumped for后面一般接原因,表示“因……而跳起来”;D项jumped through指“跳着从空心的物体间穿过,或略过”。结合句意,A、C、D三项均不符合要求,确定答案选B项。