The belief is the legendary lost continent of Atlantis may someday be found.A、It

游客2023-12-25  7

问题 The belief is the legendary lost continent of Atlantis may someday be found.

选项 A、It is believed that
B、It is believing that
C、The belief that
D、That belief is

答案 A

解析 人们相信离奇消失的亚特兰蒂斯大陆有天可能被重新找回。本题考查It is believed that…/The belief is that…句型的用法,如It is believed that he belief is that he will make it to the golden medal. “人们相信他一定会夺得金牌、”其中that不可省略,且第二个句型The belief is that中的The不可换成其他指示代同,因此排除B、C、D三项,确定选A项。