As the federal government shutdown approaches the two-week mark, it’s become
As the federal government shutdown approaches the two-week mark, it’s become
As the federal government shutdown approaches the two-week mark, it’s become painfully apparent that the public can no longer run amok virtually unsupervised in the national parks. What’s the evidence of that? The litter, vandalism and trampled ground. The human feces overflowing the public toilets and the urine along the roads.
Unlike the last lengthy shutdown in 2013, the Trump administration this time has opted to keep the national parks open but largely unstaffed. Private concession operators and nonprofit groups have helped with maintenance where they can. Some states have dipped into their own
to keep parks staffed and operating—at least for a while. Many other states, including California, have not.
With tens of thousands of park employees furloughed, that means many parks have no workers collecting entry fees at the gates, patrolling the campgrounds or emptying the garbage cans and portable toilets. But the visitors keep coming. The lack of maintenance and oversight is taking a toll. There are reports of illegal camping and off-road driving in sensitive habitat areas. Unsupervised tourists were harassing elephant seals at the Point Reyes National Seashore, prompting officials to close off part of the beach.
Visitors have posted pictures on social media of overflowing garbage bins. Empty champagne bottles were left strewn on the ground at Joshua Tree. Yosemite officials had to restrict entry to certain areas of the park after the accumulation of human urine and feces became a health hazard. The National Park Service has the authority to turn away visitors for safety, health or environmental protection reasons. That’s what the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks did Wednesday, when they closed large sections because of concerns that visitors could be endangered on icy roads and hiking trails.
And the threat isn’t just to the natural wonders and to public safety. The national parks are full of cultural and historic resources that could be damaged or stolen with so little oversight and protection. During the 2013 shutdown, the Obama administration ordered the national park system completely closed. That was a controversial decision at the time. Visitors who had traveled great distances to visit the parks were turned away. Local businesses that rely on park tourism suffered. Others saw the closures as a political tactic by President Obama to drum up negative publicity for the Republican-led shutdown. But given the damage currently being inflicted on the nation’s most majestic open spaces, temporarily closing some parks might be the best way to protect them.
Indeed, as one former National Park Service director said, keeping the parks open but unstaffed is like leaving
the Smithsonian
open without employees minding the priceless artifacts. It invites abuse and practically guarantees damage to some of the nation’s most treasured public lands.
Yes, it’s a loss to the tourists who planned their vacations around a visit to Yosemite Valley, or who had hoped to hike through the forests of Sequoia National Park. Yes, there will be an economic cost for local communities. But that is the cost of a government shutdown. The political
in Washington—the failure of President Trump and congressional leaders to reach a budget deal as they haggle over his insistence on a costly border wall—has real-world consequences.
The nation’s most magnificent public assets shouldn’t be sacrificed to this political battle. It’s worth noting that the national park system already struggles with an $11-billion backlog of deferred maintenance and with massive crowds that stress existing capacity. There are potholed roads, crumbling trails, aging sewer systems in need of repair to prevent contamination of nearby streams. Throwing open the gates to all comers with little control or oversight only exacerbates those problems.
Americans love their national parks, but don’t always treat them with the care they deserve. The parks should shut down until the federal government reopens.
(选自《洛杉矶时报》2019年1月3日) [br] According to Paragraph 8, the national parks________.
A、have limited funds for maintenance
B、have limited capacity for incoming visitors
C、have sewer systems to be repaired
D、have broken roads and trails
先天性喉喘鸣患儿通常不出现下列哪项症状A、声音嘶哑 B、阵发性青紫 C、吸气
吉兰巴雷综合征与面神经炎的鉴别点是A.痛性抽搐 B.有明确原发病史 C.脑膜
医院感染中,泌尿道感染的主要致病病原体是A.表皮葡萄球菌 B.不动杆菌 C.
在我国,行使国家立法权的机构有( ) A.全国人民代表大会 B.全国人民代
中医学理论体系形成的基础有A古代自然科学的渗透 B古代哲学思想的影响 C
体内缺铁初期的最早最可靠的诊断依据是A.血清转铁蛋白饱和度下降 B.血清总铁结
A.三尖瓣关闭不全 B.二尖瓣狭窄 C.主动脉瓣关闭不全 D.室间隔缺损