I would like to thank you, Mr. President for your kind invitation and the Un

游客2023-12-25  13

问题     I would like to thank you, Mr. President for your kind invitation and the University for its warm reception.  It is my great honor to come here to attend the grand centennial anniversary celebration of your university. On behalf of all the guests from universities across the world, and also in my own name, I wish to extend our warmest congratulations to the President and faculty and students and wish your university become more prosperous day by day.
    In the 11th century, a university came into the world as a result of the development of human civilization. Ten centuries later, we gather here in your university, to keep on pondering over our life and exploring the endless knowledge.
    Our universities form a great intellectual community around the world. Science has no nationality, knowledge belongs to everyone. Our universities create new knowledge. They teach this knowledge, together with that of other universities and also the best of the great storehouse of knowledge, which those who came before us have uncovered, tested and accumulated.
    All universities contribute to the prosperity and success of their country. They also conserve the culture and inheritance specific to their country’s civilization. But they do more. Knowledge is secure only when it is hard won by the independent tests of accuracy, rational explanation and truth. So, when we teach our students skills, we also give them values. On the one side, these are values for personal and civic conduct. On the other side, these values underscore the personal need for independent understanding which is the source of human creativity.
    These duties give universities a high responsibility. They are rooted in a great and fine tradition of honesty, free and fearless inquiry and independence. Each university is a beacon of light in its own society and, by its association with its sisters, its knowledge and its values are widely spread.
    Over the past 100 years, your University is grounded in its educational philosophy of "extensive scholarship with unyielding dedication and earnest inquiry with independent examination", and has shaped an academic ideology of extracting the best and exploiting the greatest. As a result, the University has turned out, class upon class, graduates with brilliant scholarship and lofty aspiration, many of whom have become great leaders in China.
    A tradition is not built easily or quickly. During 100 years, your University has been fashioning your tradition. Present and future members of your university! We hope to see you elaborate and consolidate your tradition. We hope to see you become a keystone of the intellectual community. In your next century, we hope to see you contribute to the international academic movement as a whole, as more and more of your members come to participate in the activities of your sister universities.
    Currently, China is in a period of social transition marked with astonishing progress and change. The profundity and significance of this transition is unprecedented. A university is so termed, because it serves not only as a propeller of economic and social progress, but also a ferry and bridge for academic transmission and a cradle of thoughts. As a prestigious university with a century-long academic tradition and intellectual esteem, your University is destined to shoulder weighty responsibilities on its long journey ahead.
    And again I would like to express my genuine congratulations and best wishes! May our friendship flourish with the days!


答案     感谢校长先生的盛情邀请和贵校的热情接待,能前来参加贵校宏大的百年校庆,是我的荣幸。我谨代表来自各国诸大学所有的客人,也以我个人的名义,向校长先生、全体教员和同学表达我们最为热烈的祝贺,祝愿贵校“苟日新、又日新、日日新!”

解析     本文是一位外国友人在中国一所大学百年校庆上的讲话。文中首先表达了对该校百年校庆的祝贺;接着阐述了世界上大学的起源和发展,介绍了大学的功能和和历史任务;然后,具体介绍了本校的历史和传统;最后,对本校提出了美好的祝愿。
    1.Mr. President          校长先生
    2.faculty                全体教员
    3.human civilization     人类文明
    4.nationality            国籍
    5.sister universities    姊妹大学
1.They teach this knowledge, together with that of other universities and also the best of the great storehouse of knowledge, which those who came before us have uncovered, tested and accumulated.
    原句的主干是“they teach this knowledge”。该句还包括一个由“together with”引导的介词结构作状语,一个由“which”引导的非限定性关系从句,修饰“knowledge”,后者又包括一个由“who”引导的限定性关系从句,修饰“those”。在听的过程中,一定要理清各个成分之间的逻辑层次。翻译时,可以把信息按照意群断开,无需使用太多连接词;非限定性关系从句可以当作一个并列分句存在,最好把限定性从句放到所修饰成分之前。
2.Knowledge is secure only when it is hard won by the independent tests of accuracy, rational explanation and truth.
3.Each university is a beacon of light in its own society and, by its association with its sisters, its knowledge and its values are widely spread.
    原句是由“and”连接起来的两个并列分句。第二个分句中,“its sisters”比较抽象,可以通过上下文判断出“its”指的是“university”,所以“its sisters”,指的应该是姊妹院校;后面使用被动语态,在汉语中不会用“被”字句,因为它有特定的含义,翻译时可以使用“得以”词组,用主动形式来表达被动概念。
4.As a result, the university has turned out, class upon class, graduates with brilliant scholarship and lofty aspiration, many of whom have become great leaders in China.
    原句的主干是“the university has turned out graduates”;另外,句子中包含一个由“whom”引导的非限定性关系从句,修饰“graduates”。翻译时,主要按照顺译的原则。汉语中可以不使用连接词,按照句子内部逻辑关系,将非限定性从句转换成短语,其他较短的修饰成分需要调整到被修饰成分的前面。
5.A university is so termed, because it serves not only as a propeller of economic and social progress, but also a ferry and bridge for academic transmission and a cradle of thoughts.
    原句为复合句,重点在于后面的原因状语从句,其中包含丰富的内容,并且使用了很明显的结构“not only... but also”,对于听者来说比较容易把握。“... is so termed, because...”,可以固定地翻译为“……之为……,在于……”。
    1.on behalf of                                我谨代表
    2.in my own name                              以我个人的名义
    3.on the one side..., on the other side...    一方面……,另一方面……
    4.educational philosophy                      治学态度
    5.academic ideology                           学术思想
    6.fashion your tradition                      形成自己的传统
    7.a keystone of                               一块拱顶石
    8.in a period of social transition            一个重大的社会转型时期
    9.... is so termed                            ……之为……
    10.flourish with the days                     与日俱增