下面你将听到一段有关核安全问题的讲话。 [originaltext] 上个世纪,原子的发现和核能的开发利用给人类发展带来了新的动力,极大增强了我们

游客2023-12-25  27

问题 下面你将听到一段有关核安全问题的讲话。


答案         During the 20th century, the discovery of the atom and the subsequent development and utilization of nuclear energy gave new impetus to the progress of humanity and greatly enhanced our ability to understand and shape the world. Yet the development of nuclear energy has its associated risks and challenges. To make better use of nuclear energy and achieve greater progress, mankind must be able to respond to various nuclear security challenges and ensure the safety of nuclear materials and facilities.
        We must follow the approach of enhancing security for the sake of development and promoting development by upholding security, and bring the goals of development and security in alignment with each other. We must convince the national governments and nuclear power companies of all countries that developing nuclear energy at the expense of security can neither be sustainable nor bring real development. Only by adopting credible steps and safeguards, can we keep the risks under effective control and develop nuclear energy in a sustainable way.
        Countries differ in national condition and stage of nuclear power development, and the nuclear security challenges they face also vary from one to another. As the saying goes, you need different keys to open different locks. While stressing the importance of countries honoring their international obligations, we should respect their right to adopt nuclear security policies and measures best suited to their specific conditions as well as their right to protect sensitive nuclear security information. We should adopt a fair and pragmatic attitude and advance the international nuclear security process in an active yet prudent manner.
        Nuclear security is also a global endeavor. …We must bring more countries into the international nuclear security process and try to turn it into a global undertaking, so that all will contribute to and benefit from it. We should strengthen exchanges to learn from each other and share experience, and improve coordination between the relevant multilateral mechanisms and initiatives. Although the starting line may be different for different countries, we should make sure that no one falls behind in this common endeavor.
        But more importantly, we must tackle the root causes. We need to foster a peaceful and stable international environment, encourage harmonious and friendly relations between countries, and conduct exchanges among different civilizations in an amicable and open-minded manner. This is the only way to tackle the root causes of nuclear terrorism and nuclear proliferation, and to achieve lasting security and development of nuclear power.
        ……Let us work together so that people in the world will have more confidence in lasting nuclear security and the benefits nuclear power brings them.

解析        本文选自习近平主席在荷兰海牙核安全峰会上的讲话。第一段说明了核安全的重要性,后面几段提出了加强核安全需要注意的几个方面:安全与发展并重;尊重各国实际国情;呼吁更多国家加入核安全维护的事业;标本兼治,改善国际安全环境,从根本上解决核扩散问题。本文虽然讲的是核安全问题,主要内容还是与国际合作有关,属于常见的题材。整篇结构清晰,段落逻辑清楚。词汇方面也没有太多障碍。总体来说,难度适中。
       (1)第一段难度不大,需要注意的是信息点较为密集,比如“人类要更好利用核能、实现更大发展,就必须应对好各种核安全挑战,维护好核材料和核设施安全”。需要及时记下“利用核能”“实现发展”“应对挑战”“ 维护核材料和设施安全”等重要信息点。
       (2)第二段逻辑性较弱,记笔记时需要先理解,理解了发展和安全的辩证关系,才能更好地转化为短时记忆,在翻译时也能更加清晰。“为发展求安全、 以安全促发展”可译为enhancing security for the sake of development and promoting development by upholding security.
       (3)第三段中,“一把钥匙开一把锁”为习语,可以在前面补充说明一下,译作as the saying goes, you need different keys to open different locks.“在强调各国履行有关国际义务的同时,也要尊重各国根据本国国情采取最适合自己的核安全政策和举措”一句较长,翻译时可采取动词名词化的处理方法,以减少句中的动词,使译文更符合英语的表达习惯,可译为While stressing the importance of countries honoring their international obligations, we should respect their specific conditions as well as their right to protect sensitive nuclear security information.
       (4)第四段中,“争取实现核安全进程全球化”中的“全球化”不能简单地理解为平时所见的全球化globalization,此处应理解为将核安全发展作为全球共同的事业,可译为try to turn it into a global undertaking。
       (5)有时候译员不能及时想出一些习语的表达,如果理解了习语在语境中的具体意思,将翻译具体化,表达效果也会很好,比如第五段中的“治标还要治本”可直接译为more importantly, we must tackle the root causes。