下面你将听到一段有关中国网购的讲话。 [originaltext] A huge shopping revolution is happening in
下面你将听到一段有关中国网购的讲话。 [originaltext] A huge shopping revolution is happening in
A huge shopping revolution is happening in China right now. Shopping behaviors, and also technology platforms, have evolved differently than elsewhere in the world. For instance, e-commerce in China is soaring. It’s been growing at twice the speed of the United States and a lot of the growth is coming from mobile. Every month, 500 million consumers are buying on mobile phones, and to put that into context, that is the total population of the United States, UK and Germany combined. But it is not just about the scale of the e-commerce, it is the speed of adoption and the aggregation of the ecosystems. It took China less than five years to become a country of mobile commerce, and that is largely because of the two technology platforms, Alibaba and Tencent. //
There’s a consumer’s need for ultra-convenience. Delivering ultra-convenience is not just something nice to have. It is crucial to make sure your consumer actually buys. And in China, convenience is really the glue that will make online shopping a behavior and a habit that sticks. It is sometimes more effective than a loyalty program alone. Take Hema for example. It’s a retail grocery concept developed by Alibaba. They deliver a full basket of products from 4,000 stock keeping units to your doorstep within 30 minutes. What is amazing is that they deliver literally everything, like fruits, and vegetables. They also deliver live fish and also live Alaska king crab. //
Well, companies like Amazon and FreshDirect are also experimenting in the same field. The fact that Hema is part of the Alibaba ecosystem makes it faster and also a bit easier to implement. For Hema, it’s got a mobile app, it’s got mobile payment, and also it’s built 20 physical stores in high-density areas in Shanghai. These stores are built to ensure the freshness of the products. They are breaking even, and what is also amazing is that the sales revenue per store is three to four times higher than the traditional grocery store, and half of the revenue orders are coming from mobile. //
This is really proof that a consumer, if you give him ultra-convenience that really works in grocery shopping, will switch his shopping behaviors online, like, in no time. So ultra-convenience and spontaneity, that’s not the full story. The other trend in China is social shopping. If you think of social shopping elsewhere in the world, it is a linear process. You pick up something on Facebook, watch it, and you switch to Amazon or brand.com to complete the shopping journey. But in China it is a very different thing. On average, a Chinese consumer would spend one hour on their mobile phone shopping. That’s three times higher than the United States. //
In China, shopping is embedded in social, and social is evolving into a multidimensional experience. The integration of ecosystems reaches a whole new level, so does its dominance in all aspects of our life. And of course, there are huge commercial opportunities behind it. A Chinese snack company built a five-billion-dollar business in just three years by investing in 300 to 500 shop assistants who are going to be online to provide services. In the social media environment, they are like your neighborhood friends. Even when you are not buying stuff, they will be happy to just tell you a few jokes and make you happy. In this integrated ecosystem, social media can really redefine the relationship between brand, retailer and consumer. //
These are only fragments of the massive changes I have seen in China. In this huge laboratory, a lot of experiments are generated every single day. The ecosystems are reforming, supply chain distribution, marketing, product innovation, everything. Consumers are getting the power to decide what they want to buy, when they want to buy it, how they want to buy it, how they want to socialize. It is now back to business leaders of the world to really open their eyes, see what’s happening in China, think about it and take actions. //
(1) 第一段中,需注意Every month, 500 million consumers are buying on mobile phones, and to put that into context, that is the total population of the United States, UK and Germany combined一句的翻译。本句包含数字与国家名称,笔记需准确记录。500 million为“5亿”,翻译时需快速反应并正确译出。to put that into context可译为“具体点说”。因此,本句可译为“每个月5亿消费者在手机上购物,具体点说,这相当于美国,英国和德国人口的总和”。
(2) 第二段中,And in China,convenience is really the glue that will make online shopping a behavior and a habit that sticks一句包含两个定语从句,分别修饰glue和habit,而habit与behavior又属于并列关系,因此,听辨时若抓住了句子的层次则不难翻译。glue原意为“胶水”,文中可适当意译为“良策”。因此,本句可译为“在中国,我们发现方便快捷才真正是让人们维持网络购物行为和习惯的良策”。
(3) 第三段的最后一句They are breaking even,and what is also amazing is that the sales revenue per store is three to four times higher than the traditional grocery store,and half of the revenue orders are coming from mobile比较长,同时还包含了what引导的主语从句,比较级,信息密度较大。break even可译为“收回成本”,主语从句可进行适当的切分,译为三个独立的句子。因此,本句可译为“他们不但收回了成本,更不可思议的是,每一个店面的销售额都比传统零售店要高3到4倍,而且一半的营收订单都是来自移动端”。
(4) 第四段的内容比较简单,主要讲述快递的超便捷,但需注意ultra-convenience,spontaneity和linear process的翻译。Ultra-convenience可译为“超便捷”,spontaneity可根据语境适当增译为“自发购物”,linear process可译为“线性过程”。
(5) 第五段需注意A Chinese snack company built a five. billion. dollar business in just three years by investing in 300 to 500 shop assistants who are going to be online to provide services一句的翻译。本句包含数字和定语从句,为翻译的难点。为符合中文的语序,翻译时可适当调整语序,将方式状语by investing in 300 to 500 shop assistants who are going to be online to provide services提前,译为“通过雇用300至500名导购助手提供在线服务”,five-billion-dollar译为50亿美元。
(6) 第六段中需注意The ecosystems are reforming,supply chain distribution,marketing,product innovation,everything一句的翻译。该句具有明显的口语特色,句子简洁,但是翻译时需要适当增译,使译文符合中文表达。ecosystem可根据语境译为“电商生态系统”;everything可增译为“每个环节都是如此”。因此,本句可译为“电商生态系统正在变革,包括供应链分销、营销、产品创新,每个环节都是如此”。
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