Wasting wood is a serious problem in conserving the resources, which are distrib

游客2023-12-24  8

问题 Wasting wood is a serious problem in conserving the resources, which are distributed unevenly and affected by other natural factors. [br]  
Throwing away food means wasting the resources used in its production, such as water. This is especially foolish in dry countries such as Spain. The problem is set to get worse as climate change makes rainfall patterns less predictable.
This should eventually feed through into lower financing costs for automakers and some upturn in sentiment among businesses and consumers. Moreover, Russia’s well-developed dealer and logistics infrastructure should mean economic growth boost car sales relatively quickly.

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解析 从文中第二句可以知道,俄罗斯成熟的经销商和物流基础设施表明经济发展推动了汽车销售的快速增长。