What’s the main topic of the passage? [br] [originaltext] We’re hearing

游客2023-12-24  21

问题 What’s the main topic of the passage? [br]  
We’re hearing it more by the day: that the perpetual influx of new technologies in our lives and information that we consume on a daily basis, also known as "the data deluge", is making it increasingly difficult for us to "switch off from the devices in our hands.
        This notion is being recited so often in the media these days that it’s become somewhat of a cliche. Despite the advantages of technology such as convenience and efficiency of communication, it seems we are now so aware of the negative impact it can have on our lives — take for instance social media and its ability to distract and consume us — that we are increasingly being told how we need to escape it and give ourselves time away so we can disconnect.
        But what does it mean to disconnect in our digitally-dependent world? A way in which people are exploring this idea is through something called a "digital detox". If you haven’t heard this term before, it’s a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones or computers, and is regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world.
        The motivations behind digital detoxing vary. In some cases, the motivation is negative emotional responses to the technology usage, such as dissatisfaction or disappointment of the technology device and its functions. In other cases, users see the technology as a distracting factor that consumes time and energy and wants to take back control over their everyday lives. Some people have moral, ethical or political reasons to refrain from technology usage. Furthermore, a concern of developing addictive behavior in terms of tech addiction or Internet addiction disorder is one of the motivations for disconnecting for a period of time.

选项 A、Suspense of electronic devices utilization.
B、Dependence on high technology.
C、Destruction of digital devices.
D、Disconnection with the world.

答案 A

解析 词义辨析题。文中对“digital detox”意义表述的句子为“it’s a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices”,即不使用电子设备的一段时间。选项A所述暂停使用电子设备与原文相符。选项D与第31题选项B相似,数字戒毒并非完全的与世隔绝,该选项不正确。选项B和选项C都不是应该表达的内涵意义。因此,本题答案为选项A。