The world population was no more than 5.7 billion before the Programme was enfor

游客2023-12-24  11

问题 The world population was no more than 5.7 billion before the Programme was enforced. [br]  
In 2013, the world population neared 7.2 billion people and had increased by over 1.5 billion people since the adoption of the Programme of Action of ICPD, the International Conference on Population and Development, in 1994.
The Deep Sea 1 will enter service in the first half of 2019 and along with China’s manned submersible Jiaolong will make a global deep-sea scientific voyage, the first of its kind by China, starting in 2020.

选项 A、True

答案 B

解析 特定信息的找寻与判断。原文中有两处表示时间,第一处“in the first half of 2019”对应的是“The Deep Sea,will enter service”,即深海一号将于2019年上半年投入使用;第二处“in 2020”对应的是“along with…Jiaolong will make a global deep—sea scientific voyage… starting…”,即深海一号和蛟龙号载人潜水器将于2020年开始执行环球航行。题干中时间和事件不匹配。因此,该题的说法是错误的。关注时间、地点等细节性信息,甄别题干叙述的相关性。