Passage 1 [br] [originaltext] What is human dignity? To have a sense of dign

游客2023-12-24  6

问题 Passage 1 [br]  
What is human dignity? To have a sense of dignity, I think one should at least have the means to afford daily necessities and not suffer from feelings of inferiority due to poverty.
    I often feel grateful to this country for the self-esteem I enjoy as a woman. There is no sex discrimination here and people get equal pay for equal work. The principle of "to each according to his work" is a practice here.
    Jobs are available if one is prepared to work hard. A woman who is economically independent is also psychologically independent—there is no need for her to rely on any man for that matter.
    Equality of men and women is not a slogan. There are many ways to upgrade one’s skills. By acquiring expertise in the latest technology and knowledge, I can compete with men on brain power rather than physical power.
Fast food is so popular because it is just that—fast. It takes about 20 minutes to make an easy and good-tasting meal and it almost requires no time in the kitchen.
    But research links frequent eating fast food to weight gain and a tendency to be overweight. Fast food is often related with fat and calories, and can affect your health when it is eaten frequently.
    Here are some tips on making healthy fast-food choices: Order pizza with less cheese, but with lots of vegetables or fruits. Buy whole grain bread without butter or margarine.
    A hamburger with a plain beef and tomato is a healthy choice. Skip French fries and choose drinking water or other zero-calorie drink options. Try salads with light or fat-free dressings or lemon juice.


答案     快餐颇受欢迎没有什么其他原因,就是因为它快,只要大概20分钟就可以做好一份简单而美味的饭菜,而你几乎不用花时间呆在厨房里。
