Passage 1 [originaltext] All girls, and not just the sporty ones, should take

游客2023-12-24  14

问题 Passage 1
All girls, and not just the sporty ones, should take physical exercise. They should take part in competitive sport to build up confidence. It’s believed that sport can help girls cope with failure.
   According to research from the Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation, only a quarter of girls in England meet current recommended levels of physical activity each week.
   Research suggests that girls are far less active than boys. The proportion taking part in regular sport falls steeply after the age of 10. One in five girls does no physical activity at all.
   On the other hand, more and more senior women business leaders and female executives played organised sports. They believe that sport makes them more competitive in their careers.


答案    所有女生,不仅是爱好运动者,都应该参加体育锻炼。竞技运动有助于建立信心。人们相信运动有助于女生更好地应对失败。
