Imagine you have two candidates for a job. Their CVs are equally good, and t

游客2023-12-24  28

问题     Imagine you have two candidates for a job. Their CVs are equally good, and they both give good interview. You cannot help noticing, though, that one is pug-ugly and the other is handsome. Are you swayed by their appearance?
    If you were swayed by someone’s looks, would that be wrong? In the past, people often equated beauty with virtue and ugliness with vice.
    Even now, the expression "as ugly as sin" has not quite passed from the language. There is, of course, the equally famous expression "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", to counter it. Most beholders agree what is beautiful — and modern biology suggests there is a good reason for that agreement. Biology also suggests that beauty may, indeed, be a good rule of thumb for assessing someone of either sex. Not an infallible one, and certainly no substitute for an in-depth investigation. But, nevertheless, an instinctive one, and one that is bound to contribute to the advantage of the physically well endowed.


答案     让我们来做个假设:现在一份职位面前有两个候选人。从简历上看他们都不相上下,而且两人在面试时表现都很好。然而,你却不自觉地注意到其中一人容貌丑陋,另一人则仪表堂堂。那么,你的判断会受到两人相貌的左右吗?

解析 1.Imagine you have two candidates for a job.
2.You can not help noticing,though,that one is pug-ugly and the other is handsome.Are you swayed by their appearance? In the past,people often equated beauty with virtue and ugliness with vice.
cannot help doing sth.意为“情不自禁,不由自主地做……”。第一句中两个并列的宾语从句并成一句翻译。
3.Even now,the expression“as ugly as sin”has not quite passed from the language.There is,of course, the equally famous expression“beauty is in the eye of the beholder",to counter it.
本句中,“has not quite passed from the language”引申翻译为:这种表达也没有被人们遗忘。“beauty is in the eye of the beholder”为英语谚语,字面意思为:旁观者眼中有美景。本句的语义结构和汉语谚语“情人眼里出西施”对等。同时,汉语谚语“情人眼里出西施”在英语中另有表达:“Beauty is in the eye of the gazer.”or“Beauty lies in lover’s eyes.”本句中"of course"为加强语气的插入语。在英语中这种现象很常见。
4.Most beholders agree what is beautiful — and modern biology suggests there is a good rule of thumb for assessing someone of either sex.
本句中“a good rule of thumb for”意思为;一个很好的标准。“someone of either sex”简单翻译为:异性。
5.  Not an infallible one,and certainly no substitute for an in-depth investigation.But,nevertheless,an instinctive one,and one that iS bound to contribute to the advantage of the physically well endowed.
“Not an infallible one,and certainly no substitute for an in-depth investigation.”两个名词性短语,翻译时需要添加主语和谓语动词,将其翻译为一个完整的句子,其中infallibl adj.没有错误的,不会使人误解、弄错或失望的,确实可靠的,绝对无疑的;instinctive adj.本能的;endow vt.赋予,捐助;捐赠基金给(学校、医院等)。在本句中引申翻译为:进化。