[originaltext]There are times when people are so tired that they fall asleep al

游客2023-12-24  26

There are times when people are so tired that they fall asleep almost anywhere. For example, there is a lot of sleeping on the bus or train on the way home from work in the evenings. In some classes, a student will Start snoring so loudly that the professor has to ask another student to shake the sleeper awake. The worst time to fall asleep is when driving a car. Police reports are full of traffic accidents that occur when people doze off and bump into something else.
People with high self-confidence are generally happier and better able to cope with unfavorable conditions. High self-confidence provides a sense of security. It can also give people a sense of purpose and the belief that they are productive members of society. In contrast, individuals lacking in self-confidence are more insecure and their belief in their ability to reach their goals is weak. And when others are successful, people with low confidence may feel jealousy and envy. Low confidence leads to low expectations, reduced efforts, increased anxiety and poor performance.


答案 有着高度自信心的人通常更快乐,也更能够应付不利的逆境。高度自信可以产生安全感,也给人目标,并让人相信他们是社会的有用成员。而相反,缺乏自信的人无安全感,对于他们要达到目标的信念也较弱。当其他人成功的时候,没有自信的人会感到羡慕或者嫉妒。缺乏自信导致期望值较低,努力度降低,焦虑感增加以及表现逊色。

解析 本段落所讲述的内容对考生来说并不陌生,所以理解上也不会太难。关键词汇有:unfavorable:不利的;productive:能创造价值的;reduce:降低;anxiety:焦虑。这段话的难点在于句子比较长,做笔记时比较难记下所有的内容,建议考生在做笔记时一定要在每句话完了之后画一条线区别开来,这样回来看笔记时就不容易混淆。这段话其实是讲两个方面:自信心较强的人和缺乏自信心的人作比较。说完自信心较强的然后再讲缺乏自信心的,所以考生其实可以根据前部分来推出后部分。