[originaltext]W: Hi, Brown. I’d like to get your opinion about the news.M: OK.
[originaltext]W: Hi, Brown. I’d like to get your opinion about the news.M: OK.
W: Hi, Brown. I’d like to get your opinion about the news.
M: OK. Well, I get most of my news on the Internet, but I read papers, too.
W: And what do you think about the news in the newspaper?
M: What I notice about the papers is that the news is really depressing, especially the main stories— you have bombings, and accidents, and people killing people. I find more and more that the news in the United States is getting focused on negative things. It’s always a disaster of some sort.
W: So you think it’s very negative.
M: Yeah, and there’s something else. I like to read about international news, but it seems that people here aren’t really that interested in it. I read somewhere, I can’t remember—that it’s a prestige thing, to cover the international news.
W: And you don’t think people in the United States like international news?
M: No. I don’t. But because I’ve lived in so many countries around the world, I am interested in international news. The news in Korea is from everywhere—the United States, Europe, Japan, China. Anyway, what I like about newspapers are the arts and culture sections. And the human interest stories, which can be really uplifting. I like to read about people. For example, there was a story about some crime in the park, but now they’re examining that case again, and it turns out that the five young people who they thought did it might be innocent, actually. It was shocking that the judicial system had failed in the beginning, but I’m glad they finally found out that those young people were innocent.
W: So you liked that story.
M: Yeah, I mean, that kind of news, people could actually read it and feel positive, like you could really improve the system, or whatever—compared to news that’s depressing and you feel helpless—you can’t do anything about it.
Question No. 27 What’s Brown’s opinion about the news in the newspaper?
Question No. 28 Why is Brown interested in international news?
Question No. 29 Brown likes several sections in newspapers. Which of the following is NOT one of these sections?
Question No. 30 Which of the following statements is TRUE about Brown?
A、The news is not very interesting.
B、The news is uplifting.
C、The news is largely positive.
D、The news is really depressing.
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建设项目总概算不应包括的费用为以下哪一项?()A.建筑安装费 B.设备购置
国家征税凭借的是()。A.经济权力 B.财产权力 C.政治权力 D.分配权
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