[originaltext](1)You might want to think twice before making another personal c

游客2023-12-22  57

(1)You might want to think twice before making another personal call during work hours. Companies can now buy a service that automatically analyses phone calls made by office staff, figures out which are for business and which are personal, and delivers a monthly list of repeat offenders directly to top management. The system focuses only on those who run up huge bills or spend hours of work time on personal calls, and no one listens in to the calls themselves.
(2)El Nino was named last century by Peruvian fishermen, who noticed that a warm current in the eastern Pacific appeared every few years around Christmas. They called the event El Nino, meaning "the Christ child" in Spanish. In recent years, scientists have determined that the anomalous warming of the Pacific waters results from broad changes in the ocean’s circulation and in air-pressure patterns. These changes in turn alter the course of the jet stream, resulting in extraordinarily heavy rainfall on the western coast of South America.


答案 厄尔尼诺是上个世纪由秘鲁的渔民命名的,他们注意到东太平洋的一股暖流每数年在圣诞节前后出现。他们把这一事件称为“厄尔尼诺”,在西班牙语中的意思是“基督的孩子”。近年来,科学家们已经查明太平洋水体的反常升温是海洋循环和气压格局显著变化的结果。这些变化反过来又改变了急流的路线,导致南美洲西岸出现强降雨。
