For years I have been mercilessly lampooned by friends and acquaintances ali

游客2023-12-22  26

问题     For years I have been mercilessly lampooned by friends and acquaintances alike for my unorthodox lifestyle choice of having no TV. In an age of increasingly large flat-screens and surround sound which accost you the minute you walk into someone’s house, people regularly look at me like I’ m either severely handicapped or chronically hard done by when I mention that I have no television. I can see the mixture of genuine pity, raw pathos and sheer disbelief in their faces as they stare at me open-mouthed. And no, contrary to the jokes and insinuations from the equally incredulous young people I mentor, it’s not because I can’t afford to pay the TV license.
    To be sure, television is a great invention, if handled in moderation. The composite etymological derivation(from the Greek and the Latin words—literally meaning "to see from afar")tells of a tremendous technological feat which certainly deserves to be applauded. What’ s more, if one is discerning, it can be the source of some quality entertainment, instruction and enjoyment. Some of the nature documentaries and arts programmers on BBC 2 are truly fantastic. But the sad reality is that young people are rarely discerning and, by dint of poor time management skills, often end up wasting an inordinate amount of precious, never-returning time watching trash, their brains wallowing in a trough of mental lethargy.


答案     多年来,因为我选择家无电视这种与众不同的生活方式,我一直受到朋友和熟人的无情奚落。在这样一个你一进别人家门就会看到越来越大的平板电视和环绕立体声音响的时代,当我提及我家没有电视时,人家往往以异样的眼神看着我,好像是我脑子出了大问题,要么就是生活长期亏待了我。他们目瞪口呆地盯着我,我能从他们脸上看出其复杂的表情:有发自内心的同情,有毫不掩饰的怜悯,或者根本不予置信。我所指导的年轻学子同样也不相信我的话,与他们编的(关于我的)笑话和(对我的)含沙射影恰恰相反,我没有电视机并不是因为我付不起电视收视费。
